flash | vi 1. a. emit light suddenly, memancar, berdenyar; (of lightning) mengilat, memancar, berdenyar: the beacon ~ed once every twenty seconds, suar itu memancar sekali setiap dua puluh saat; lightning ~ed across the sky, kilat mengilat di langit; b. reflect light, mengilap, mengilat, berkilat, memancar: he pounced, the knife ~ing in his hand, dia menerkam, pisau berkilat-kilat di tangannya; c. (of eyes) bersinar: Kim’s eyes ~ed with sudden anger, mata Kim bersinar krn tiba-tiba marah; 2. move swiftly, approp v + secepat kilat; (of time) berlalu dgn /pantas, cepat/: the speeding car ~ed past, kereta yg laju itu meluncur lalu secepat kilat; time ~ed by, waktu berlalu dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | vi 1. shine, memancar, bersinar, menyorot: the sun ~s overhead, matahari memancar tegak di atas kepala; 2. smile radiantly, tersenyum berseri-seri: he ~ed with satisfaction, dia tersenyum berseri-seri krn puas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gush | vi 1. a. flow out suddenly and copiously, memancar, memancur; (of tears) berhamburan, bercucuran; (of words) berhamburan: water ~ing out from a hole in the ground, air yg memancar keluar dr lubang di tanah; her tears ~ed forth, air matanya berhamburan; b. spout out in large amounts, memancut: blood ~ed out of the wound from his forehead, darah memancut dr luka di dahinya; 2. talk effusively, beria-ia + approp v: please don’t ~; it’s embarrassing, janganlah beria-ia sangat memuji, memalukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | vi 1. also ~ away, ~ up, burn brightly, memarak, bernyala dgn marak: the bonfire was still blazing, unggun api itu masih memarak; 2. shine brightly, ( of the sun ) memancar terik; (of light) bersinar terang-benderang: the sun was blazing overhead, mata hari sedang memancar terik; lights were blazing in the house, lampu-lampu bersinar terang-benderang di rumah itu; 3. be bright with colour, bersemarak: the flower show ~d with colour, pertunjukan bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna-warni; 4. burn with intense feeling, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala: his eyes ~d with anger, matanya berapi-api krn marah; 5. also ~ up, flare, memarak: enmity ~d up again between them, permusuhan memarak semula antara mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blazing | adj 1. burning, terbakar: they rushed out from the ~ house, mereka meluru keluar dr rumah yg terbakar itu; 2. flaming, bernyala: a ~ torch, obor yg bernyala; 3. (of sun) memancar terik; 4. (of light) terang-benderang; 5. (of eyes) berapi-api, bernyala-nyala; 6. (of lie, indiscretion) terang-terang(an); 7. (of anger) memarak, meluap-luap, menyala-nyala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |