glaringly | adv /amat, begitu/ nyata: it is ~ obvious that they hate one another, memang begitu nyata mereka membenci antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. finished, [various translations]: that’s ~ over and done with, semua itu sudah berlalu; it’s ~ over between them, hubungan mereka sudah putus; c. typically, memang: that’s Joe ~ over, Joe memang begitu; ~ right, see ALL RIGHT; ~ round, a. for all present, utk semua (yg hadir): to buy drinks ~ round, membeli minuman utk semua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justness | n 1. fairness, impartiality, keadilan, kesaksamaan; 2. validity, soundness, memang patut: the ~ of their sentiment, memang patut mereka mempunyai perasaan begitu; 3. accuracy, correctness, ketepatan: the ~ of his perception, ketepatan tanggapannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goofy | adj (sl), foolish, stupid, bodoh, bebal, dungu: he’s ~ all right, dia tu memang bebal; what a ~ thing to say!, bodoh kata begitu!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
form | ~ of address, bentuk sapaan; /good, bad/ ~, /wajar, tdk wajar/: it is considered bad ~ for a lady to act in such a way, memang dirasakan tdk wajar seorang wanita berkelakuan begitu; in ~, a. in a good state of fitness, cukup sihat: he is in good ~ for the fight, dia cukup sihat utk bertarung; b. performing well, approp v + dgn baik: the team was in great ~ last week, pasukan itu bermain dgn cukup baik minggu lepas; c. in good spirits, riang; a matter of ~, sbg formaliti: a vote was taken purely as a matter of ~, pengundian diadakan semata-mata sbg formaliti; off ~, see out of ~; on ~, a. judging from previous performance, berdasarkan prestasi yg lalu; b. see in ~; out of ~, a. not in a good state of fitness, tdk sihat; b. not performing well, tdk approp v + dgn baik: the team was out of ~, pasukan itu tdk bermain dgn baik; c. in poor spirits, tdk riang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | b. almost, be very near, hampir-hampir; (to adverse situation) hampir-hampir, nyaris-nyaris, cemas-cemas: she came close to losing her job, dia nyaris-nyaris dibuang kerja; ~ it (too, a bit, rather) strong, (colloq) keterlaluan; walau apa pun yg terjadi; as [adj] as they ~, betul-betul [adj]; have it coming, (colloq) memang patutlah begitu; how /bv (that), fasal apa; not know whether one is coming or going, benar-benar bingung; to ~, akan datang: in the years to ~, dlm tahun-tahun akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
individual | 5. meant, suitable for, a. (particular person) masing-masing; (attention, tuition) peribadi: each member of the family has his own ~ chair, setiap ahli keluarga mempunyai kerusi masing-masing; ~ tuition, bimbingan peribadi; the class being so big, he was unable to give ~ attention to each child, disebabkan kelas itu begitu besar, dia tdk dapat memberikan perhatian peribadi kpd setiap murid; b. (particular thing) masing-masing; (attention) khusus: our job is to formulate policies but it is up to the ~ departments to implement them, tugas kami adalah membentuk dasar tetapi terpulanglah kpd jabatan masing-masing utk melaksanakannya; each component must be given ~ attention, setiap komponen mesti diberi perhatian khusus; 6. peculiar to particular person, tersendiri: his style of writing is unmistakably ~, gaya penulisannya memang tersendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |