broil | vt 1. cook by direct heat, memanggang: she ~ed some steak for dinner, dia memanggang stik utk makan malam; 2. (usu pass.) cause to become extremely hot, (seolah-olah) dipanggang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grill 1 | vt 1. cook on a grill, menggril: she ~ed the steak, dia menggril stik; 2. (colloq) expose os to great heat, memanggang: the sun beat down and ~ed them, matahari bersinar dgn teriknya dan memanggang mereka; 3. (colloq) subject to intense questioning, memisit: the police ~ed the suspect for several hours, polis memisit orang yg disyaki selama beberapa jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravy | n 1. juice of cooking meat, air daging; 2. sauce, kuah: she made the ~ after roasting the meat, dia membuat kuah selepas memanggang daging. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coal | n 1. (mineral) batu arang: ~ - seam, lapisan batu arang; ~ - mine, lombong batu arang; 2. half-burnt fuel, ember, bara: he grilled a piece of steak over the glowing ~s, dia memanggang sekeping stik di atas bara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |