ensure | vt memastikan: his support is necessary to ~ success, sokongannya perlu utk memastikan kejayaan; I have tried to ~ that there will be no delay, saya telah mencuba memastikan bahawa tdk akan berlaku kelewatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascertain | vt memastikan: to ~ that the facts are correct, memastikan fakta itu betul; the number of casualties has not yet been ~ed, bilangan orang yg cedera belum lagi dipastikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
determine | vt 1. ascertain, menentukan, memastikan: an experiment to ~ the acidity of a substance, eksperimen utk menentukan keasidan sst bahan; to ~ the cause of death, memastikan sebab kematian; 2. settle, fix, menentukan, menetapkan, memutuskan: it is a matter which can be ~d by the Dean, itu ialah perkara yg boleh ditentukan oleh Dekan; to ~ the date of their wedding, menentukan tarikh perkahwinan mereka; 3. make firm decision, berazam, bertekad; (on st of minor importance) memutuskan: he ~d to continue his studies, dia berazam utk melanjutkan pelajarannya; they ~d to leave before daylight, mereka memutuskan utk pergi sebelum matahari naik; 4. regulate, influence, menentukan: demand ~s supply, permintaan menentukan penawaran; 5. cause (so.) to decide, membulatkan tekad: the argument ~d her to leave home, perbalahan itu membulatkan tekadnya utk meninggalkan keluarganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certain | for ~, (sudah) pasti: the books will be delivered tomorrow for ~, buku-buku itu pasti akan dihantar esok; know for ~, pasti; make ~ (of, that), memastikan bahawa: she made ~ all the doors were locked, dia memastikan bahawa semua pintu telah dikunci; to make ~ of getting seats, memastikan bahawa mereka akan mendapat tempat duduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buoy | ~ so. up, see vt (senses 2. & 3.); ~ st up, a. see vt (sense 2.); b. keep st high, memastikan sst tdk jatuh: for years the government has been ~ing up the price of rice, sudah bertahun-tahun kerajaan memastikan harga beras tdk jatuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fair play | n keadilan: the umpire has to ensure ~, pengadil itu harus memastikan keadilan dilaksanakan; have a sense of ~, /bersikap, berlaku/ adil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doubly | adv to a greater degree, benar-benar, betul-betul: to make ~ sure that the amount is right, memastikan benar-benar bahawa jumlah itu betul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establish | b. make arrangements to speak (to so.) through wireless etc, menghubungi: due to some mechanical fault they were unable to ~ radio contact with the ship, disebabkan kerosakan mekanik mereka tdk dpt menghubungi kapal itu melalui radio; 2. (determine) memastikan; (prove) membuktikan: we have so far been unable to ~ where he was at the time, setakat ini kami tdk dapat memastikan di mana dia berada pd masa itu; an inquest was held to ~ the cause of death, satu inkues diadakan utk memastikan sebab kematian; it has been ~ed that the accused knew about her husband’s illegal dealings, telah dibuktikan bahawa yg tertuduh tahu ttg urusan haram suaminya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
golden rule | n very important principle, pedoman penting: a ~ for journalists is to always check their facts, pedoman penting bagi wartawan adalah sentiasa memastikan fakta-fakta mereka benar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrespective | adj; ~ of, tanpa mengira; (consequences) tanpa /menghiraukan, mempedulikan, mengira/: we shall have to have the work done, ~ of cost, kita mesti memastikan kerja itu dilaksanakan tanpa mengira kos; he is determined to do it, ~ of the consequences, dia bertekad utk melakukannya tanpa menghiraukan akibatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |