comport | vt (fml) membawa diri: she ~ed herself well, dia pandai membawa diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comportment | n (fml) cara membawa diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exercise | c. (restrain, self-control, etc) dapat [v]: I thought he ~d great self-control, saya rasa dia betul-betul dapat mengawal diri; d. (responsibility) melaksanakan; 2. give exercise to, cause to exercise, (part of body) membuat senaman [n]; (animal) membawa bersenam: he was advised to ~ his leg as much as possible, dia dinasihati membuat senaman kaki sekerap mungkin; the horse must be ~d to prevent it from getting fat and lazy, kuda itu mesti dibawa bersenam utk mencegahnya drpd menjadi gemuk dan malas; 3. (usu pass.) trouble, (act.) merunsingkan; (pass.) runsing: he was greatly ~d by his son’s financial difficulties, dia amat runsing ttg kesulitan kewangan anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |