freeze | vt 1. cause to solidify or be converted to ice, membekukan: she froze the ice-cream in the refrigerator, dia membekukan ais krim itu di dlm peti sejuk; the cold weather has frozen the pond, cuaca sejuk telah membekukan air kolam itu; ~ so’s blood, menyebabkan sso berasa amat takut; 2. cover with ice, melitupi dgn ais: many of the roads up north are frozen, jalan raya di utara kebanyakannya dilitupi ais; 3. clog with ice, menyebabkan [n] tersumbat akibat ais: the sudden cold spell froze the water pipes, cuaca yg tiba-tiba menjadi sejuk menyebabkan paip air tersumbat akibat ais; ; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clot | vt membekukan, mengentalkan: when haemorrhage is severe, drugs may be given to ~ the blood, apabila berlaku perdarahan yg teruk, drug boleh diberikan utk membekukan darah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congeal | vt membekukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freeze | 7. make motionless, paralysed, stiff, (act.) menyebabkan tdk bergerak; (pass.) tdk bergerak: she was frozen with shock, dia tdk bergerak krn terkejut; 8. fix (prices, wages, etc) membekukan: the central bank decided to ~ credits at the present level, bank pusat memutuskan utk membekukan kredit pd tahap yg ada; 9. prevent from being used, membekukan: his bank balance was frozen, baki simpanannya dlm bank dibekukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | ~ against, membuat ribut menentang: the trade union leaders ~ed against the government’s decision to freeze wages, pemimpin-pemimpin kesatuan sekerja membuat ribut menentang keputusan kerajaan utk membekukan gaji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |