Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | ممڤروس

Definisi : 1. membersihkan dgn berus: sebelum mandi dia ~ giginya; 2. merapikan dll dgn berus: ia memakai seelok-elok pakaian dan ~ rambutnya; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | ممڤروس

Definisi : membersihkan sesuatu dgn berus: Sebelum mandi, ia ~ giginya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata memberus

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

brush1vt 1. use brush on, memberus; (with sweeping movement) menyapu: to ~ st clean, memberus sst hingga bersih; she ~ed the pie with beaten egg, dia menyapu pai dgn telur yg telah dipukul; 2. apply with a brush, menyapukan: the paint should be ~ed onto the surface with even strokes, cat patut disapukan pd permukaan itu dgn rata; 3. remove, move, a. (with a brush) menyapu: to ~ the ashes into the pan, menyapu abu ke dlm tadahan sampah; b. (by flicking with the hand etc) mengibas: he ~ed a thread of cotton from the coat sleeve, dia mengibas benang kapas dr lengan kotnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
curry 2t groom horse with curry-comb, /memberus, menggeragas/ (dgn /kerda, kerok/);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brush1n 1. implement for painting, cleaning, etc, berus: a scrubbing ~, berus penggosok; a clothes ~, berus baju; 2. act of brushing, memberus: your coat needs a ~, kot kamu perlu diberus; give st a ~, memberus sst; 3. a light touch, geselan: she felt the soft ~ of the leaves against her arms, dia terasa geselan lembut daun-daun pd lengannya; 4. (skirmish), (mil) pertempuran kecil; (confrontation) pertembungan: a ~ with enemy troops, pertempuran kecil dgn pihak musuh; it was the boy’s first ~ with the police, itulah pertembungan pertama budak itu dgn polis; 5. bushy tail esp of fox, ekor kembang: 6. (electr) berus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brush1~ so. down, a. also ~ os down, /menyapu, mengibas-ngibas/ + approp n pd + approp n: I pulled her up to her feet and ~ed her down, saya menariknya sehingga dia berdiri tegak dan menyapu habuk pd bajunya; b. scold so. memarahi sso: his superior ~ed him down for being careless, ketuanya memarahinya krn kecuaiannya; ~ st down, memberus sst: he was told to ~ the horse down, dia disuruh memberus kuda itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grimen thick, black dirt, kotoran; (from body’s perspiration) daki: hands covered with ~, tangan yg berlumuran kotoran; the ~ on the walls will be difficult to remove, kotoran pd dinding itu susah hendak dihilangkan; to scrub ~ from shirt collars, memberus daki pd kolar baju; ~ and sweat, daki dan peluh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impressionb. (by an effort or activity), [various translations]: his day’s work had made little ~ on the piles of papers he had to get through, sehari suntuk dia bekerja tetapi cuma sedikit sahaja yg dapat diselesaikannya drpd kerja yg bertimbun-timbun itu; you’d need to scrub and scrape before you made any ~ on that dirt, kamu terpaksa memberus dan menyental sebelum kamu dapat menghilangkan kotoran itu; 2. mark, imprint made by pressing, kesan, bekas: the ~ of his feet in the sand, kesan tapak kakinya di pasir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glistenvi (shine from or as if from wetness) berkilat; (sparkle, gleam by reflecting light) berkilau-kilau: the wet road ~ed under the street lights, jalan yg basah itu berkilat disinari lampu jalan; his body ~ed with sweat, badannya berkilat dgn peluh; she brushed her hair till it ~ed, dia memberus rambutnya sehingga berkilat; dew drops ~ing on the leaves, titik-titik embun yg berkilau-kilau di atas daun; her eyes ~ed with tears, matanya berkilau-kilau digenangi air mata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dressc. (tech) prepare for use by putting fetiliser, membajai: he ~ ed the ground before he planted the vegetables, dia membajai tanah itu sebelum menanam sayur; 7. (tech) a. treat the surface of (leather) menyamak; b. cut, shape and finish the surface of (stone etc) mengemaskan; 8. groom (esp horse) menggeragas, memberus; 9. (mil) membetulkan barisan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
do5. suffice, /cukup, memadai/ utk: a slice of bread will ~ me, sekeping roti memadai utk saya; 6. suit, sesuai utk: will this jacket ~ you?, adakah jaket ini sesuai untukmu?; 7. solve, membuat, menyelesaikan: he is unable to ~ even the simple sums, dia tdk dapat menyelesaikan kira-kira yg mudah sekalipun; 8. put in order, arrange, a. (hair) mendandan; b. (flowers) menyusun; c. (room) mengemas; 9. clean, membasuh, mencuci; (teeth) memberus, menggosok: to ~ the dishes, membasuh pinggan mangkuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
against2. opposed in tendency, character to, /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn; (o’s wishes, will) tanpa: forced to act ~ his conscience, terpaksa bertindak bertentangan dgn kata hatinya; to be married ~ o’s will, berkahwin tanpa kerelaan hati sso; 3. in violation of, melanggar: an act that is ~ the law, perbuatan yg melanggar undang-undang; 4. that prohibits, melarang, menegah: is there a law ~ talking too much?, adakah undang-undang yg melarang orang bercakap terlalu banyak?; 5. in the opposite direction to, a. (current, tide, wind) melawan, menyongsong: he swam ~ the current, dia berenang melawan arus; b. (nap, hair, etc) menyongsong: to brush a hat ~ the nap, memberus topi menyongsong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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