correct | vt 1. make right, rectify, membetulkan: to ~ o’s pronunciation, membetulkan sebutan; to ~ mistaken beliefs, membetulkan anggapan yg salah; to ~ an injustice, membetulkan ketidakadilan; to ~ the curvature of the spine, membetulkan lengkungan tulang belakang; 2. mark errors in, memeriksa: to ~ examination papers, memeriksa kertas peperiksaan; 3. reprove, menegur; (when the error is not specified) menegur + approp n: the boss ~ed him for his carelessness, bos menegurnya krn kecuaiannya; she ~ed him after the guests had left, dia menegur kesilapan lelaki itu selepas tetamu pulang; I stand ~ed, saya menerima teguran itu; 4. (archaic) punish, menghukum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjust | vt 1. change position of, membetulkan (duduk, letak): the nurse ~ed the pillow for the patient, jururawat membetulkan duduk bantal utk pesakit itu; to ~ o’s hat, membetulkan topi sso; 2. regulate, melaraskan, membetulkan: he ~ed the lens of the camera, dia melaraskan kanta kamera; to ~ a television set, membetulkan peti televisyen; 3. adapt, menyesuaikan: to ~ os to existing circumstances, menyesuaikan diri (sso) dgn keadaan sekarang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emend | vt membetulkan: the editor ~ed certain paragraphs in the book, editor membetulkan perenggan-perenggan yg tertentu dlm buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correct | ~ os, membetulkan kesilapan sso: he ~ed himself many times during the speech, dia berkali-kali membetulkan kesilapannya semasa memberi ucapan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amend | vt 1. improve, memperbaiki: to ~ o’s style of living, memperbaiki cara hidup sso; 2. correct, membetulkan: to ~ a text, membetulkan teks; to ~ the error, membetulkan kesalahan itu; 3. revise, alter (legislation etc) meminda: the bill was ~ed before it was passed, rang undang-undang itu telah dipinda sebelum diluluskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correction | n 1. act of a. (making right) pembetulan, membetulkan: the ~ of spelling errors, membetulkan kesalahan ejaan; b. (marking errors in) pemeriksaan, memeriksa; c. (reproving) memberi teguran; open to ~, boleh ditegur; 2. amendment, pembetulan: ~s on a proof sheet, pembetulan pd kertas pruf; 3. (archaic) punishment, hukuman: the prisoners were sent to a labour camp for ~, banduan-banduan itu dihantar ke kem buruh paksa utk menjalani hukuman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrective | n [various translations]: a ~ of abuses, langkah utk membetulkan amalan yg salah; teachers who use the cane as a ~, guru-guru yg menggunakan rotan utk mengajar; some fruits act as a ~, setengah-setengah jenis buah-buahan bertindak sbg pengimbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjustment | n 1. act of, a. (changing the position of) membetulkan: his tie needed a little ~, tali lehernya perlu dibetulkan sedikit; b. (regulating) pelarasan, pembetulan: the ~ of the instrument took several hours, pelarasan alat itu memakan masa beberapa jam; c. (adapting) penyesuaian: ~ to city life, penyesuaian dgn kehidupan kota; period of ~, tempoh penyesuaian; the eye’s ~ to bright light, penyesuaian mata kpd cahaya yg terang; ~ to the immigration laws may be necessary, penyesuaian kpd undang-undang imigrasi mungkin diperlukan; 2. (accounting) pelarasan; 3. (insurance) penaksiran bayaran tuntutan; 4. control for adjusting, pelaras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | on the ~, percuma: drinks are on the ~, minuman adalah percuma; /set, put/ o’s ~ (own) in order, [various translations]: by replacing the chairman they hope they could put their ~ in order, dgn menggantikan pengerusi, mereka berharap dapat memperbaiki keadaan syarikat itu; you must set your own ~ in order before criticizing others, kamu mestilah membetulkan diri sendiri sebelum mengkritik orang lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fix | 5. arrange, mengatur: don’t worry about the accommodation; let me ~ it, jangan bimbang ttg penginapan; biar saya yg mengaturnya; I’m sorry, I already have something ~ed for tomorrow, maaf, saya sudah mengatur rancangan utk besok; 6. repair, membaiki: my television needs ~ing, televisyen saya perlu dibaiki; 7. put in order, merapikan, membetulkan: give me five minutes to ~ my hair, beri saya lima minit utk merapikan rambut; 8. (esp US), (not fml) prepare, membuat [sst], membuatkan [sso, sst]: please ~ a drink for these guests, tolong buat minuman utk tetamu-tetamu ini; can you ~ me an egg sandwich?, bolehkah buatkan saya sandwic telur?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |