Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[mem.bong.ko/] | ممبوڠکوق

Definisi : 1. menggerakkan bahagian atas badan ke hadapan atau ke bawah: dia ~ sedikit spt memberi hormat; 2. merendahkan diri kpd, sangat hormat: ~ kpd orang besar; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[mem.bong.ko/] | ممبوڠکوق

Definisi : merendahkan bahagian badan dr pinggang ke atas ke hadapan: Dia ~ sbg tanda hormat kpd pembesar itu. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata membongkok

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bendvi 1.curve over from an erect position, a.(of person) membongkok, membongkokkan badan; (due to heavy burden) terbongkok-bongkok, membongkok: she bent to pick up the paper, dia membongkok utk mengambil kertas; an old man ~ing under a heavy load, lelaki tua yg terbongkok-bongkok membawa barang yg berat or lelaki tua yg membongkok krn membawa barang yg berat; b. (of tree) melentur, melengkung; c. (of flexible things) melentur, melengkung:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hunchvi also ~ up, duduk /membongkok, terbongkok/: he ~ed in the dark cell, dia duduk membongkok dlm sel gelap itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
keep~ down, (crouch) membongkok; (lie flat) meniarap: we were told to ~ down to avoid the bullets, kami disuruh membongkok supaya tdk kena peluru; ~ so. down, suppress so., menindas sso: the native population was kKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
duck2vi 1. (move head downwards quickly) menundukkan kepala cepat-cepat; (move top half of body downwards quickly) membongkok cepat-cepat: he ~ed to avoid the blow, dia membongkok cepat-cepat utk mengelak pukulan tersebut; 2. dive quickly, menyelam sekejap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bend~ over, (of person) membongkok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bend~ forward, (of person) membongkok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bend~ down, a. (of person) membongkok; b. (of tree branch) melentur: the branches were ~ing down with the weight of the snow, dahan-dahan melentur dibebani salji; ~ st down, mengelepetkan, menekuk: don’t ~ the corner of the page down, jangan kelepetkan bucu muka surat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
doublebend ~, a. (over st), (act.) membongkok; (pass.) terbongkok; b. (with pain, laughter), (act. & pass.) terbongkok-bongkok; c. (with age) bongkok /betul, tiga/; see ~, nampak /sso, sst/ dua: the glare made me see ~, cahaya silau itu menyebabkan saya nampak benda-benda dua;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inclinationn 1. bending, a. (of body) membongkok; b. (of head) melentokkan: he acknowledged the greeting with a slight ~ of the head, dia membalas sapaan itu dgn melentokkan kepalanya sedikit; 2. sloping position, kecondongan, condongan: the ~ of the roof, kecondongan bumbung rumah itu; 3. (math) kecondongan: the ~ of the axis, kecondongan paksi; 4. liking, desire, kehendak hati: to give way to o’s ~s, menurut kehendak hati; if only I were free to follow my ~s, kalaulah saya bebas utk mengikut kehendak hati saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crouchn posture of stooping with limbs close together, a. (in standing position) membongkok, merunduk; b. (in sitting position) bercangkung, bertinggung; (in readiness to spring) mendekam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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