spike 1 | 5. (colloq) add liquor to, membubuhi: he ~d the coffee with brandy, dia membubuhi kopi itu brandi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tag1 | vt 1. attach informative label , membubuhi [sst] tanda; (to indicate price) membubuhi tanda harga [sst]: the sharks were captured and ~ged to enable scientists to monitor their movements, jerung-jerung itu ditangkap | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oil | vt lubricate, meminyaki, membubuhi [n] dgn minyak, membubuh minyak pd: to ~ the lawn-mower, meminyaki mesin rumput; the hinges need to be oiled, engsel itu perlu dibubuhi minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rouge | vt membubuh pemerah pipi pd, membubuhi [sst] pemerah pipi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
manure | vt membubuh baja /asli, kandang/ pd, membubuhi sst baja /asli, kandang/: now is the time to ~ the nursery plot, inilah masanya utk membubuh baja asli pd tapak semaian or inilah masanya tapak semaian dibubuhi baja asli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sugar | vt add sugar to, membubuh gula dlm, membubuhi [sst] gula, menggulai: have you ~ed my tea?, sudahkah kamu bubuh gula dlm teh saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ink | vt put ink on, membubuh dakwat pd, membubuhi sst dakwat; (by pressing thumb etc on to ink-pad) mendakwati: the stamp pad had been freshly ~ed, ped cap itu baru dibubuhi dakwat; he ~ed his thumb on the ink-pad, dia mendakwati ibu jarinya dgn menekankan jarinya pd ped dakwat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stuff | 5. fill (turkey, tomatoes, etc) with stuffing, membubuhi [sst] sarak: she hollowed out the tomatoes and ~ed them with mincemeat, tomato itu dikoreknya lalu dibubuhi sarak daging cincang; a chicken ~ed with potatoes, liver and chestnut, ayam yg dibubuhi sarak kentang, limpa dan buah berangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
price | vt 1. fix the price of, membubuhi [sst] harga: none of these items has yet been ~d, tidak satu pun drpd barang-barang ini yg telah dibubuhi harga; a car ~d at $100,000, kereta yg dibubuhi harga $100,000; 2. find out price of, /meninjau, melihat/ harga: she walked up and down the supermarket pricing the goods on sale, dia turun naik di pasar raya itu meninjau harga barang yg dijual murah; 3. estimate the cost of, mengagak harga: she’s an experienced buyer and will be able to ~ these antiques, dia seorang pembeli yg berpengalaman dan akan dapat mengagak harga barang-barang antik ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stamp | vt 1. affix postage stamp to, /menampal, membubuhi/ [sst] setem, melekatkan/ setem (pd): the letter was returned to the sender as it was not ~ed, surat itu dipulangkan kpd pengirim krn tdk dibubuhi setem; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |