break | vt 1. shatter a. (deliberately) memecahkan: he picked up an iron bar and broke the window, dia mengambil sebatang besi dan memecahkan tingkap itu; b. (accidentally) pecah, menyebabkan [sst] pecah: she dropped a saucer and broke it, sebiji piring jatuh terlepas dr tangannya lalu pecah; a stone broke the windshield, cermin depan kereta itu pecah terkena batu; c. (fig.) memecahkan: the disagreement broke the party into two camps, perselisihan itu memecahkan parti menjadi dua golongan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
batter1 | ~ st down, memecahkan: to ~ down the door, memecahkan pintu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vt 1. cause to break open, apart, into pieces, etc, memecahkan; (not deliberately, or when subject is not person) menyebabkan [sst] pecah, [sst] pecah: he ~ the balloon with a pin, dia memecahkan belon itu dgn peniti; the blow ~ a blood-vessel in his leg, pukulan itu menyebabkan saluran darah pd kakinya pecah or saluran darah pd kakinya pecah akibat pukulan itu; the river will ~ its banks, tebing sungai itu akan pecah; 2. cause to explode, menyebabkan [sst] meletup, [sst] meletup: the lorry ~ a tyre at the corner, tayar lori itu meletup di selekoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bust2 | vt 1. break, smash, memecahkan; 2. (US) punch, hit, menumbuk, memukul; 3. demote, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~ed from sergeant to private, dia diturunkan pangkat dr sarjan ke prebet; 4. (US) tame, menjinakkan: to ~ a horse, menjinakkan kuda; 5. arrest, menangkap: she was ~ed for drugs, dia ditangkap krn memiliki dadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deflower | vt (liter. & old use ) 1. deprive of virginity, memecahkan dara; 2. spoil, ravage, merosakkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | vt 1. cause to split into fissures, merekahkan: expansion and contraction have ~ed the beams, pengembangan dan pengecutan telah merekahkan alang itu; 2. cause to split into thin lines, meretakkan: a ball thrown by the children ~ed the window pane, bola yg dibaling oleh budak-budak itu telah meretakkan cermin tingkap; 3. accidentally fracture, reta_òk: he ~ed the eggs when he fell against the table, telur itu retak apabila dia tersandung meja; 4. (skin, lips) menyebabkan pecah-pecah: the extreme cold ~ed his lips, kesejukan yg amat sangat menyebabkan bibirnya pecah-pecah; 5. also ~ open, split open, memecahkan: to ~ the safe, memecahkan peti besi; 6. accidentally hit with forceful blow, pecah: he ~ed his head when he fell, kepalanya pecah sewaktu dia terjatuh; 7. cause voice to break, menjadikan serak: emotion ~ed his voice, tekanan emosi menjadikan suaranya serak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foil1 | vt (act.) menggagalkan; (pass.) gagal: the burglars were ~ed in their attempt to break open the safe, pencuri-pencuri itu gagal dlm percubaan mereka utk memecahkan peti besi; bad weather ~ed their plans, cuaca buruk menggagalkan rancangan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | n 1. strength, might, kekuatan; (exerted by blow, wind, etc) kuatnya, kekuatan: he used all his ~ to break open the door, dia menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya utk memecahkan pintu itu; the ~ of her personality, kekuatan keperibadiannya; the ~ of his arguments, kekuatan hujah-hujahnya; the ~ of the gale ripped tiles off the roof, kuatnya ribut menerbangkan genting dr bumbung; 2. coercion, violence, kekerasan: the riot was quelled by ~, rusuhan itu ditumpaskan dgn kekerasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hideous | adj 1. ugly, sangat hodoh, jelik: a ~ scar, parut yg sangat hodoh; 2. frightful, menakutkan, dahsyat, mengerikan: a ~ noise rent the stillness of the evening, bunyi yg menakutkan memecahkan suasana petang yg hening itu; 3. despicable, terkutuk, keji: a ~ crime, jenayah yg terkutuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atom | n 1. (phys) atom; 2. very small quantity, sedikit pun: there’s not an ~ of truth in what he said, kata-katanya itu sedikit pun tdk ada kebenarannya; 3. very small fragments, hancur: to smash st to ~s,memecahkan sst sehingga hancur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |