streak | vi 1. (colloq) move very fast, berlari, memecut; (of vehicle) memecut: a rat ~ed across the room with the cat behind it, seekor tikus berlari melintas bilik itu dgn seekor kucing mengejarnya dr belakang; a motorbike ~ed past him, sebuah motosikal memecut melepasinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pelt 1 | vi 1. move at great speed, memecut, berlari /pantas, kencang/: he ~ed across the bridge, dia memecut merentasi jambatan itu; the boy ~ed along the road, budak lelaki itu berlari pantas di jalan tersebut; 2. often ~ down, pour down, mencurah-curah: you can’t go home now, the rain is ~ing down outside, kamu tdk boleh pulang sekarang, hujan turun mencurah-curah di luar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accelerate | vi 1. increase in speed, memecut, (bergerak) semakin /laju, deras/: the train ~d after the bend, kereta api itu memecut selepas selekoh; 2. increase (in rate) /bertambah, meningkat/ dgn pesat(nya): the rate of inflation is likely to ~, kadar inflasi mungkin bertambah dgn pesat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speed | vi 1. go fast or quickly, memecut; (of days) berlalu: we got a glimpse of the Queen as her car sped by, kami dapat juga melihat Permaisuri itu sekilas semasa kereta baginda memecut di depan kami; the last few months of the course simply sped by, beberapa bulan akhir bagi kursus itu berlalu dgn cepatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forge2 | vi 1. advance steadily, terus /mara, maju/: the ship ~d northward through the increasingly high seas, kapal itu terus mara ke utara meredah gelombang yg semakin tinggi; 2. increase speed suddenly, memecut ke /depan, hadapan/: the runner ~d into the lead two minutes after the race started, pelari itu memecut ke hadapan sekali dua minit selepas perlumbaan bermula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | c. continue to be level with a competitor, bersaing dgn: John ~ed with me for the first three laps after which he sprinted and left me behind, John bersaing dgn saya dlm tiga pusingan pertama, kemudian dia memecut dan meninggalkan saya di belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | ~ abreast, a. continue at the same pace with so. or st, bersaing dgn: he ~ed abreast of the Australian runner for three laps but shot forward in the last lap, dia bersaing dgn pelari Australia utk tiga pusingan tetapi memecut dlm pusingan akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
violent | adj 1. (of person) tending to use violence, berlaku ganas: some mental patients are ~, sesetengah pesakit mental berlaku ganas; 2. using or producing great force, hebat; (of kick, blow, etc) kuat, keras: a ~ confrontation between opposing forces, konfrantasi yg hebat antara kuasa yg bertentangan; the attacker gave a ~ blow to his head, penyerang itu memberikan tumbukan yg kuat di kepalanya; 3. vehement, hebat: a ~ quarrel ended their friendship, perkelahian yg hebat menyebabkan persahabatan mereka berakhir; his work came under ~ attack, kerjanya dikecam dgn hebat; 4. happening suddenly and with a lot of force, kuat: a ~ explosion followed the fire, letupan yg kuat berikutan kebakaran itu; ~ acceleration, memecut dgn kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |