condense | vt 1. cause (gas) to become liquid, memeluwapkan; 2. make (liquid) thicker, memekatkan: to ~ milk, memekatkan susu; 3. abridge, shorten, meringkaskan: to ~ a report into a few pages, meringkaskan laporan menjadi beberapa halaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concentrate | vt 1. focus, menumpukan: they ~d their attention on the problem, mereka menumpukan perhatian kpd masalah itu; 2. cause to come together in one place, cause to become the possession of a few, (act.) menumpukan; (pass.) tertumpu: the troops were ~d at the border, pasukan askar itu tertumpu di sempadan; it is dangerous when power is ~d in the hands of one man, adalah berbahaya apabila kuasa tertumpu dlm tangan seorang sahaja; 3. (tech) make denser, memekatkan: to ~ acid, memekatkan asid; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |