fulfil | (US) fulfill vt 1. carry out, (obligation, request, duty) menunaikan, memenuhi; (promise) menunaikan, memenuhi, menepati; (function, role) memenuhi: she still had one duty to ~, masih ada satu kewajipan yg harus ditunaikannya; we regret that we are unable to ~ your request, dukacita kami tdk dapat memenuhi permintaan saudara; he never ~led the promise he made to Fatimah, dia tdk pernah menepati janji yg dibuatnya kpd Fatimah; 2. comply with, memenuhi: you must first ~ all the requirements, pertama sekali kamu mesti memenuhi segala syarat; one of the conditions has not been ~led, satu drpd syarat itu belum dipenuhi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | vt 1. fill to excess, membanjiri, memenuhi: spectators ~ed the hall, penonton-penonton membanjiri dewan; traffic ~s the streets at peak periods, lalu lintas memenuhi jalan raya pd waktu-waktu sibuk; 2. push, mengasak: stop ~ing me, jangan mengasak saya; the truck ~ed his car off the road, lori itu mengasak keretanya ke tepi jalan; 3. pressurize, mendesak: don’t ~ me about the work. I need more time, jangan desak saya ttg kerja itu. Saya perlukan masa yg lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grant | vt 1. a. agree to fulfil (request, wish, etc) memenuhi: he ~ed the reporter’s request for an interview, dia memenuhi permintaan wartawan itu utk menemuramahnya; b. agree to fulfil for (so. his wish, request, etc) membenarkan, mengizinkan: they ~ed him his wish to visit his dying mother, mereka membenarkan dia menziarahi ibunya yg sedang tenat itu; 2. give as favour, right, indulgence, etc, memberi [sso], memberikan [sst]: the management ~ed the workers paid leave, pihak pengurusan memberi para pekerja cuti bergaji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | vt 1. make full, (lit. & fig.) mengisi: please ~ that bucket with water, tolong isi baldi itu dgn air; to ~ the tyre with air, mengisi tayar dgn angin; you shouldn’t ~ your head with useless facts, lebih baik jangan isi kepalamu dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk berguna; your latest article ~ed a major gap in our knowledge, makalah terbarumu mengisi lompang yg besar dlm pengetahuan kita; ~ st full, memenuhkan sst, mengisi sst hingga penuh; 2. occupy the whole of, memenuhi: smoke ~ed the theatre, asap memenuhi panggung itu; the whole house was ~ed with rock music, seluruh rumah itu dipenuhi muzik rock; laughter suddenly ~ed the room, tiba-tiba gelak kewa memenuhi ruang bilik itu; the problem ~s his mind, masalah itu memenuhi fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bill1 | /fill, fit/ the ~, memenuhi /syarat, keperluan/; foot the ~, membayar bil; top the ~, menjadi + approp n utama: he topped the ~ for a number of years, dia menjadi pelakon utama utk beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipation | n 1. expectation (esp pleasurable) penuh harapan: we look forward with ~ to his new book, kami menanti-nanti buku barunya dgn penuh harapan; a look of ~, pandangan yg penuh harapan; 2. intuition, premonition, gerak hati, firasat; 3. the use of funds before it is due, penggunaan [n] sebelum /memperolehnya, mendapatnya/: the ~ of income, penggunaan pendapatan sebelum memperolehnya; 4. act of foreseeing and satisfying beforehand, /menduga, menjangka/ dan memenuhi: the ~ of so’s wishes, menduga dan memenuhi kehendak sso; 5. prior action that thwarts etc the action of another, tindakan awal: the government’s ~ of the disturbances, saved many lives, tindakan awal kerajaan thdp kekacauan itu telah dapat menyelamatkan beberapa banyak nyawa; 6. (mus) dahuluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulfilment | n 1. completion (of duty etc) penunaian, menunaikan; 2. compliance with, memenuhi; 3. realization (of hope, desire, etc) pencapaian; 4. state of being fulfilled, kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cope 1 | ~ with, a. (person) melayan: she was able to ~ with the large number of guests, dia dapat melayan tetamu yg ramai itu; b. (antagonistic party) mengawal: the police could not ~ with the rioters as there were too many of them, pihak polis tdk dapat mengawal perusuh-perusuh itu krn bilangan mereka terlalu ramai; c. (situation, problem, difficulty) menghadapi dan mengatasi: they had to ~ with crisis after crisis, mereka terpaksa menghadapi dan mengatasi krisis demi krisis; d. (work, task) mengendalikan, membuat; e. (demand) memenuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anxiety | n 1. uneasiness, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kecemasan, kekhuatiran: to wait with ~, menunggu dlm kebimbangan; news that might help relieve his ~, berita yg mungkin menolong melegakan kerisauannya; 2. earnest desire, hasrat, keinginan: ~ for promotion, hasrat utk naik pangkat; ~ to fulfil so’s wishes, hasrat utk memenuhi kehendak sso; 3. instance of feeling uneasy, worried, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kecemasan, kekhuatiran: to be plagued with anxieties, dihantui oleh kebimbangan; 4. (psychol) kerisauan, kebimbangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | vt 1. place st over, menutup: she ~ed her face with her hands, dia menutup mukanya dgn tangan; to ~ o’s head with a shawl, menutup kepala dgn selendang; to ~ the hole with a plank, menutup lubang itu dgn sekeping papan; 2. overspread, melitupi: snow ~ed the mountain tops, salji melitupi puncak gunung; 3. extend thickly over, (act.) memenuhi; (pass.) penuh: the garden was ~ed with pests, taman itu penuh dgn serangga; 4. wrap, membalut: to ~ the books with brown paper, membalut buku-buku itu dgn kertas kuning; 5. be sufficient for, cukup utk menampung: $100 will ~ all my expenses, $100 cukup utk menampung semua perbelanjaan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |