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Kata Terbitan : memeriksa, peperiksaan, pemeriksaan, pemeriksa,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

examinevt 1. inspect, scrutinize, investigate, memeriksa; (idea, proposal, plan, claim, etc) meneliti, memeriksa: an auditor will ~ the books, seorang juruaudit akan memeriksa akaun itu; an expert ~d the painting to find out if it was genuine, pakar memeriksa lukisan itu utk memastikan sama ada lukisan itu asli atau tidak; the doctor ~d the patient carefully, doktor memeriksa pesakit itu dgn teliti; the police ~d the car for fingerprints, polis memeriksa kereta itu utk mencari bekas-bekas jari; the Government’s proposal will be ~d by a Parliamentary Committee, usul kerajaan akan diperiksa oleh jawatankuasa Parlimen; 2. question (witness) in court, memeriksa; 3. test knowledge, ability of, menguji: the pupils were ~d in English and Mathematics, murid-murid diuji dlm bahasa Inggeris dan Matematik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
explorevt 1. travel into or through (a country etc) menjelajahi: they set out to ~ the jungles of Borneo, mereka pergi menjelajahi hutan Borneo; 2. examine carefully, memeriksa dgn teliti: they have ~d all possibilities of reconciliation, mereka telah memeriksa dgn teliti segala kemungkinan utk berdamai; 3. search (an area for oil, mineral, etc) menjelajahi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
checkvt 1. stop movement of, menahan, menyekat: the enemy’s advance has been ~ed, kemaraan pihak musuh telah disekat; 2. control, mengawal; (tears) menahan: to ~ inflation, mengawal inflasi; she was not able to ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. test for accuracy etc, menyemak: to ~ my answer against his, menyemak jawapan saya berdasarkan jawapannya; 4. inspect, examine, memeriksa: the doctor ~ed his blood pressure, doktor memeriksa tekanan darahnya; the official ~ed all the weights, pegawai itu memeriksa semua anak dacing; 5. reduce, mengurangkan: he ~ed his speed when he saw the police car, dia mengurangkan kelajuannya apabila terlihat kereta polis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
correctvt 1. make right, rectify, membetulkan: to ~ o’s pronunciation, membetulkan sebutan; to ~ mistaken beliefs, membetulkan anggapan yg salah; to ~ an injustice, membetulkan ketidakadilan; to ~ the curvature of the spine, membetulkan lengkungan tulang belakang; 2. mark errors in, memeriksa: to ~ examination papers, memeriksa kertas peperiksaan; 3. reprove, menegur; (when the error is not specified) menegur + approp n: the boss ~ed him for his carelessness, bos menegurnya krn kecuaiannya; she ~ed him after the guests had left, dia menegur kesilapan lelaki itu selepas tetamu pulang; I stand ~ed, saya menerima teguran itu; 4. (archaic) punish, menghukum;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
checkvi 1. stop, pause, tiba-tiba berhenti: unable to climb the hill, he ~ed and waited for help, krn tdk dapat mendaki bukit itu dia tiba-tiba berhenti dan menunggu bantuan; 2. test (for accuracy etc) menyemak: he ~ed to see if his answers were correct, dia menyemak utk mengetahui sama ada jawapannya betul atau salah; 3. inspect, memeriksa: he ~ed to make sure he had his keys, dia memeriksa utk memastikan bahawa kuncinya ada; 4. tally, sama, serupa: his description ~s with mine, gambaran yg diberikannya sama dgn gambaran yg saya berikan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
enginen 1. machine producing power etc, enjin: the mechanic will test the ~, mekanik itu akan memeriksa enjin, 2. > locomotive, kepala kereta api, lokomotif.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
correctionn 1. act of a. (making right) pembetulan, membetulkan: the ~ of spelling errors, membetulkan kesalahan ejaan; b. (marking errors in) pemeriksaan, memeriksa; c. (reproving) memberi teguran; open to ~, boleh ditegur; 2. amendment, pembetulan: ~s on a proof sheet, pembetulan pd kertas pruf; 3. (archaic) punishment, hukuman: the prisoners were sent to a labour camp for ~, banduan-banduan itu dihantar ke kem buruh paksa utk menjalani hukuman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aheadadv 1. at, in the front, di hadapan: road-works ~, kerja-kerja membaiki jalan di hadapan; 2. in advance, dahulu: he went ~ to see whether the river was navigable, dia pergi dahulu utk memeriksa sama ada sungai itu boleh dilalui; you should plan ~, kamu harus merancang dahulu; 3. to the front, ke hadapan: to walk straight ~, berjalan terus ke hadapan; 4. (colloq) winning, leading, mendahului + approp n: he was ~ on points, dia mendahului peserta lain dr segi kiraan mata; ~ of, a. (in space) mendahului: he walked ~ of us, dia berjalan mendahului kami; b. (in time) lebih /awal, dahulu/: ~ of schedule, lebih awal dr masa yg dijadualkan; we arrived two hours ~ of them, kami tiba dua jam lebih awal drpd mereka; c. (fig.) mendahului: he was ~ of his classmates, dia mendahului kawan-kawan sedarjahnya; to be ~ of o’s time, mendahului zamannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brokenadj 1. shattered, pecah: a ~ windscreen, cermin depan yg pecah; a ~ cup, cawan yg pecah; a piece of ~ /glass, metal, etc/, serpihan /kaca, logam, dll/; 2. severed, putus: the detectives examined the ~ rope, mata-mata gelap memeriksa tali yg putus itu; a ~ light beam, alur cahaya yg putus; he tried to repair their broken relationship, dia mencuba memulihkan hubungan mereka yg putus; 3. snapped, fractured, patah: a badly ~ arm, tangan yg patah teruk; one of the table’s legs is ~, salah satu drpd kaki meja itu patah; the gardener cleared away the ~ branches, tukang kebun itu membuang ranting-ranting yg patah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
individualadj 1. of, rel to, single person, individu: ~ rights, hak-hak individu; ~ liberty, kebebasan individu; ~ possessions, milik individu; 2. characteristic of single person, distinctive, tersendiri: ~ traits, ciri tersendiri; 3. considered separately from others, setiap: each ~ part is wrapped in foil, setiap bahagian dibungkus dlm kerajang; you will have to examine each ~ animal, tuan mestilah memeriksa setiap binatang; 4. separate, berasingan: the food was packed in ~ boxes, makanan itu dimasukkan ke dlm kotak-kotak yg berasingan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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