have | vt 1. often ~ got, (lit. & fig.), (be the possessor of) ada, mempunyai; (be the owner of) memiliki; (in combination with expression of quantity), [sometimes not translated]: they ~ a maid and a driver as well, mereka mempunyai seorang pembantu rumah dan juga seorang drebar; I ~n’t got a pen on me, saya tdk ada pen; His Majesty has twenty Rolls Royces, baginda memiliki dua puluh buah kereta Rolls Royce; they ~ lots of children, anak mereka banyak; they ~ high hopes for their children’s future, mereka mempunyai harapan yg tinggi thdp masa depan anak-anak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jointly | adv 1. (foll verb) bersama: to inherit ~ the estate of the deceased, memiliki bersama harta pusaka si mati; 2. (preceding adj) sama-sama: to be ~ liable for the damage, dianggap sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kerosakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acquisitive | adj (bersifat) cenderung /memperoleh, menghimpunkan/ harta benda; (of mind) bersifat cenderung /menimba, memperoleh/ ilmu pengetahuan; an ~ /person, society/, /orang, masyarakat/ yg berkeinginan memiliki kebendaan; ~ instinct, naluri ingin milik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estate | n 1. a. piece of land in the country with a large house on it and one owner, estet: he owns an ~ near Leeds, dia memiliki estet berhampiran dgn Leeds; b. (UK) large area of land on which factories, houses, etc are built, kawasan: the Senawang Industrial E~, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang; a housing ~, kawasan perumahan; 2. (leg.) a. all the money and property left behind by a deceased person, harta pusaka; b. all the money and property belonging to a living person, estet; 3. plantation, ladang; 4. (fml & old-fashioned) standing, kedudukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ eggs, bertelur, mengeluarkan telur: some mammals ~ eggs, sesetengah mamalia bertelur; a hen usually ~s an egg a day, ibu ayam biasanya mengeluarkan telur sebiji sehari; ~ hold of, a. grasp, mencengkam, memegang erat: he laid hold of the net and pulled it into the boat, dia memegang erat jala itu dan menariknya k_Þe dlm bot; b. (fig.), (dapat) memiliki: he was lucky to ~ hold of that piece of land before it was put on the market, dia bernasib baik dapat memiliki tanah itu sebelum dijual di pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 9. not be beaten by, mempertahankan diri drpd: the soldiers could not ~ the enemy, askar-askar itu tdk dapat mempertahankan diri drpd musuh; 10. detain, menahan: he was being held for questioning, dia ditahan utk disoal siasat; six civilians were held hostage, enam orang awam telah ditahan sbg tebusan; 11. possess, memegang, memiliki: he ~s shares in the company, dia memegang syer dlm syarikat itu; he ~s a degree in Science, dia memegang ijazah Sains; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glow | 4. (of complexion or body) rosy in colour, kemerah-merahan: mountain folk with the ~ of health in their cheeks, penduduk pergunungan yg mempunyai pipi kemerah-merahan krn sihat; 5. emotional well-being, cahaya: she had about her a ~ of happiness that came from within, dia memiliki cahaya kegembiraan yg datang dr dlm dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fashionable | adj 1. following the fashion, a. (of person, clothes) mengikut fesyen: a ~ woman, wanita yg mengikut fesyen; her clothes are always ~, pakaiannya sentiasa mengikut fesyen; b. (of habit, custom, pursuit) menjadi fesyen, popular: a ~ sport, sukan yg popular; it was ~ among the rich to have a farm in the country, memiliki kebun di desa menjadi fesyen di kalangan orang-orang kaya; 2. patronized by the rich or people who decide upon fashion, dilanggani oleh orang-orang kaya yg mempengaruhi fesyen; ~ society, masyarakat golongan atasan; ~ circle, lingkung masyarakat atasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chunk | n 1. thick piece, ketul: ~s of meat, ketul-ketul daging; 2. (colloq), (large amount) jumlah besar; (large part) bahagian besar: the children’s education took a ~ out of their savings, pendidikan anak-anak mereka memakan jumlah yg besar wang simpanan mereka; the family owns a big ~ of the land around here, keluarga itu memiliki sebahagian besar tanah di sekitar kawasan ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bust2 | vt 1. break, smash, memecahkan; 2. (US) punch, hit, menumbuk, memukul; 3. demote, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~ed from sergeant to private, dia diturunkan pangkat dr sarjan ke prebet; 4. (US) tame, menjinakkan: to ~ a horse, menjinakkan kuda; 5. arrest, menangkap: she was ~ed for drugs, dia ditangkap krn memiliki dadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |