condition | 4. prerequisite, syarat: to abide by the ~s of the lease, mematuhi syarat-syarat pajakan itu; he is willing to lend you the car on ~ you take good care of it, dia sanggup meminjamkan keretanya dgn syarat kamu menjaganya dgn baik; 5. state of health, keadaan sihat, kesihatan: to improve o’s ~ by jogging, memperbaik kesihatan sso dgn berjoging; /in, out of/~, dlm keadaan /sihat, tdk sihat/; 6. illness, penyakit; (preceded by “liver”, “brain”, etc) sakit: she’s suffering from a rare ~, dia menghidap penyakit yg jarang dihidapi orang; a heart ~, sakit jantung; 7. social position or rank, kedudukan: a person of high ~, seorang yg berkedudukan tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jolly | vt usu ~ so. along, (colloq) encourage or keep so. in good humour (esp to get his cooperation) memujuk sso: they all jollied him along until he agreed to lend them the car, mereka semua memujuknya sehingga dia bersetuju meminjamkan keretanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hesitation | n 1. act of wavering, being undecided, teragak-agak: they agreed without the slightest ~, mereka bersetuju tanpa teragak-agak sedikit pun; 2. reluctance, rasa berat: he agreed to lend me the book with some ~, dgn rasa berat dia bersetuju meminjamkan saya buku itu; 3. act of pausing, holding back, perbuatan yg /teragak-agak, tertegun-tegun/: his ~ in picking up the phone was obvious to everyone, perbuatannya yg teragak-agak ketika mengangkat telefon jelas pd semua orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crazy | adj (colloq) 1. insane, gila: if he is not ~, why did they lock him up?, jika dia tdk gila, mengapa mereka mengurung dia?; 2. foolish, gila: you’re ~ to lend him the car for a week, kamu gila, meminjamkan kereta kepadanya selama seminggu; he always comes up with ~ ideas, dia selalu memberikan idea-idea yg gila; 3. made up of irregular pieces, pancacorak: ~ paving, turapan pancacorak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |