cut | 4. trim, memotong, mengerat: to ~ the grass, memotong rumput; to ~ o’s nails, memotong kuku; to ~ o’s hair, memotong rambut; 5. sever, memutuskan: to ~ the moorings, memutuskan tali tambatan; 6. make, shape with sharp instrument, a. (garment) memotong, menggunting; b. (notch, foothold, etc) menakik; c. (name, initial) mengukir, menggoreskan: he ~ his name on the rock, dia menggoreskan namanya pd batu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dock2 | 1. cut short, memotong kontot: to ~ the horse’s tail, memotong kontot ekor kuda; 2. deduct, memotong: they ~ed his pocket money to discourage him from smoking, mereka memotong wang sakunya utk menghalangnya drpd merokok; to ~ supplies, memotong bekalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mow | vt cut by hand or with machine, (grass) memotong; (corn, wheat, etc) memotong, menuai; (lawn) memotong rumput (di); (field of corn, wheat, etc), /memotong, menuai/ [n] di: the grass needs ~ing, rumput itu p | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 15. cross, memotong: the line AB ~s the circle at two points, garisan AB memotong bulatan itu pd dua titik; 16. also ~ off stop, interrupt, memotong: they ~ the water-supply in our area, mereka memotong bekalan air di kawasan kami; 17. record sound on, merakamkan: the singer has already ~ two albums, penyanyi itu telah merakamkan dua buah album; 18. (sl) absent os from, tuang, ponteng: to ~ lectures, ponteng kuliah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slice | ~ through, a. cut smoothly, memotong; (accidentally) terpotong: the sharp blade ~d through the soft wood as though it were butter, pisau yg tajam itu memotong kayu yg lembut spt memotong mentega; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | 2. overtake,memotong: why don’t you ~ that car, it’s far too slow,mengapa kamu tidak memotong sahaja kereta itu, kereta itu terlampau perlahan; the runner managed to ~ the other competitors early in the seventh lap, pelari itu dapat memotong pesaing-pesaing lain pd permulaan pusingan ketujuh; 3. run, lead, melalukan: the cord under the carpet and lead it round the edge of the room, lalukan tali itu di bawah permaidani dan salurkannya di keliling tepi bilik itu; 4. cause (st) to move in specified direction or perform specified action, [various translations]: ~ the needle through the material, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overtake | vt 1. catch up with and go past, memotong: he overtook the bullock cart, dia memotong kereta lembu itu; we should be able to ~ them if we hurry, kita seharusnya dapat memotong mereka sekiranya kita berjalan cepat; 2. befall, (of event, change) dialami; (of misfortune, trouble, calamity, etc) menimpa, melanda; (of storm, blizzard, etc) melanda, menimpa: changes that have ~n the country, perubahan-perubahan yg dialami oleh negara itu; disaster upon disaster overtook them, kecelakaan demi kecelakaan menimpa mereka; we were ~n by a storm, kami ditimpa ribut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ away, memotong: to ~ away the wilted flowers, memotong bunga-bunga yg layu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delete | vt memotong, mencoret: to ~ several paragraphs from an article, memotong beberapa perenggan drpd rencana; his name was ~d from the list, namanya dipotong drpd senarai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
measure | ~ off, memotong: she ~d off three yards of material, dia memotong kain sebanyak tiga ela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |