dock2 | 1. cut short, memotong kontot: to ~ the horse’s tail, memotong kontot ekor kuda; 2. deduct, memotong: they ~ed his pocket money to discourage him from smoking, mereka memotong wang sakunya utk menghalangnya drpd merokok; to ~ supplies, memotong bekalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | vi 1. make an incision, (with knife) memotong, mengerat; (with razor) mencukur; (with scissors) menggunting, memotong; (with axe) mengapak; 2. wound, (dapat) melukai: the lash ~s like a knife, cambuk ini melukai spt pisau; 3. (of wind) mengilukan: the icy wind ~s keenly, angin yg sejuk itu sangat mengilukan; 4. cross, bersilang: the two lines ~ at point P, dua garisan itu bersilang pd titik P; 5. be separated into parts by edged instrument, dipotong, dikerat, dihiris: cheese ~s easily, keju mudah dipotong; 6. (in filming) berhenti: the director shouted, “cut!”, “Berhenti!” teriak pengarah itu; 7. (of cloth) dipotong, digunting: this cloth ~s smoothly, kain ini mudah dipotong; 8. swerve, memotong: the winger suddenly ~ to the left, pemain sayap itu memotong ke kiri dgn tiba-tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chop 1 | vt 1. cut with an axe, memotong; (by splitting) membelah: to ~ firewood, memotong kayu api; 2. cut into small pieces, mencencang: to ~ up the meat and vegetables, mencencang daging dan sayur; 3. slash, menebas, merambah, membabat: he ~ped his way through the undergrowth, dia menebas semak utk membuat jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chop1 | off, a. cut off, memotong, mencantas: to ~ off the branches, memotong dahan-dahan; the thief’s hands were ~ped off, tangan pencuri itu dipotong; b. behead, memancung, memenggal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cancel | vt 1. delete, cross out, memotong, mencoret: to ~ a whole paragraph, memotong keseluruhan perenggan; 2. deface etc to prevent use, membatalkan: to ~ a cheque, membatalkan cek; to ~ a postage stamp, membatalkan setem; 3. call off, membatalkan: to ~ a match, membatalkan perlawanan; to ~ a meeting, membatalkan mesyuarat; 4. nullify, membatalkan: to ~ o’s leave, membatalkan cuti; to ~ an order, membatalkan pesanan; 5. usu ~ out, wipe out, meluputkan: a good deed which ~s out his past misconduct, suatu amal jariah yg meluputkan kelakuan buruknya pd masa lampau; 6. (math) membatalkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cutting | adj 1. that is used to cut, memotong: ~ tools, alat memotong; ~ edge, mata: the ~ edge of an axe, mata kapak; 2. piercing, menusuk-nusuk: ~ pain, sakit yg menusuk-nusuk; 3. (of wind) mengilukan; 4. that hurts the feelings, melukakan perasaan: ~ remarks, kata-kata yg melukakan perasaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carve | vt 1. cut into portions, memotong; (into thin slices) menghiris: to ~ a roast chicken, memotong daging ayam panggang; 2. fashion by cutting, chiselling, etc, mengukir: to ~ a block of wood into a bird, mengukir sebongkah kayu utk dijadikan seekor burung; to ~ floral patterns on a window frame, mengukir corak bunga-bungaan pd bingkai tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halve | vt 1. divide into two, membahagi dua; (by cutting) /membelah, memotong/ dua: she ~d the tomatoes, dia memotong dua buah-buah tomato itu; 2. share equally, membahagi dua, memperdua: he ~d the winnings with his son, dia membahagi dua hadiah kemenangan itu dgn anaknya; 3. lessen by half, mengurangkan separuh: the new aircraft has ~d the journey across the Atlantic, kapal terbang baru itu telah mengurangkan separuh masa perjalanan merentasi lautan Atlantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob2 | vt 1. cut (hair) in a bob, memotong rambut mengikut potongan bob: she has ~bed her hair, dia memotong rambutnya mengikut potongan bob; 2. cut short (esp animal’s tail) mengontotkan, mengompotkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | vt 1. cut off, a. (person’s hair), /menggunting, memotong/ pendek; b. (horse’s tail) mengontotkan, mengompotkan; c. (grass, lawn, hedge) memotong, memangkas; 2. (of animals) eat off tops of grass etc, meragut, memakan: the sheep ~ped the grass short, kambing biri-biri meragut rumput sehingga pendek; 3. plant, menanami (dgn + approp n): to ~ a field with barley, menanami ladang dgn barli; he decided not to ~ the remaining twenty hectares, dia membuat keputusan tdk akan menanami baki tanah sebanyak dua puluh hektar lagi (dgn kelapa sawit); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |