credit | vt 1. believe, mempercayai: how could you ~ such a wild story, bagaimana kamu boleh mempercayai cerita karut itu; 2. enter on credit side of an account, mengkreditkan: the amount has been ~ed to your account, wang itu telah dikreditkan ke dlm akaun saudara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bluff 1 | ~ so. into /thinking, believing/ st, menemberangi sso supaya mempercayai sst: he ~ed me into thinking that the house was his, dia menemberangi saya supaya mempercayai bahawa rumah itu adalah rumahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discredit | vt 1. cause loss of repute, esteem, mencemarkan nama baik: the poor examination results ~ed the school, keputusan peperiksaan yg lemah telah mencemarkan nama baik sekolah itu; 2. not believe, tdk mempercayai: we have no reason to ~ her claim, kami tdk ada sebab utk tdk mempercayai dakwaannya; 3. cast doubt on, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] /diragui, disangsikan/; (pass.) diragui, disangsikan: the latest research ~s his theory, penyelidikan terbaru itu menyebabkan teorinya diragui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconceivable | adj 1. that cannot be imagined, tdk /dapat dibayangkan, terbayang/: a woman president was ~ some decades ago, beberapa dekad yg lalu tdk dapat dibayangkan or tdk terbayang bahawa wanita boleh menjadi presiden; 2. difficult to believe, sukar utk mempercayai: it is ~ that he should decline such a good offer, sukar utk mempercayai bahawa dia menolak tawaran yg sebaik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
godless | adj 1. not believing in God, tdk mempercayai Tuhan; 2. wicked, durjana: a ~ act, perbuatan durjana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devious | adj 1. sly, deceitful, licik: she could not trust this ~ fellow, dia tdk dapat mempercayai lelaki yg licik itu; by ~ means, dgn cara yg licik; 2. roundabout, not direct, a. (of route) berbelit-belit: he reached the house by a ~ route, dia sampai ke rumah itu dgn mengikut jalan yg berbelit-belit; b. (of argument, explanation, etc) berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicitly | adv 1. in implied manner, secara tersirat; 2. unquestioningly, sepenuhnya: I trusted the doctor ~, saya mempercayai doktor itu sepenuhnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grave 1 | beyond the ~, /selepas, sesudah/ mati: many people believe that there is life beyond the ~, ramai orang percaya bahawa ada kehidupan selepas mati; dig o’s (own) ~, menggali kubur (sso) sendiri; go to o’s ~, meninggal (dunia), mati: he went to his ~ believing his own son had betrayed him, dia meninggal dunia dgn mempercayai bahawa anaknya sendiri telah mengkhianatinya; from beyond the ~, dr alam kubur: he claimed he heard voices from beyond the ~, dia mendakwa dia mendengar suara-suara dr alam kubur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
characteristic | n 1. distinguishing trait, a. (of so.) sifat: one of his nicest ~s, salah satu drpd sifat-sifatnya yg terbaik; b. (of st) ciri, sifat: the reptilian ~s, ciri-ciri reptilia; superstition was a ~ of that age, mempercayai perkara-perkara karut merupakan sifat zaman itu; 2. (math) ciri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
game 1 | play a waiting ~, (colloq) menunggu masa yg baik; play a /winning, losing/ ~, bermain dgn kepastian akan /menang, kalah/; play the ~, a. keep the rules, mengikut peraturan; b. do what is fair, right, honourable, /berlaku, bersifat/ jujur dan adil: he can be depended upon to play the ~, dia boleh diharapkan berlaku jujur dan adil; the ~ is up, muslihat sso sudah terbongkar; what so’s ~ is, apa tujuan sso: I don’t know what his ~ is, but I don’t trust him, saya tak tahu apa tujuannya tapi saya tak mempercayai dia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |