deride | vt mempersendakan, mengejek-ejek: youth deriding the customs of its parents as out of date, anak-anak muda mempersendakan adat resam ibu bapa mereka sbg kolot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derision | n 1. act of deriding, mempersendakan, mengejek-ejek(kan); /hold, have/ /so., st/ in ~, mempersendakan, mengejek-ejek /sso, sst/; object of ~, bahan /senda, ejekan/; to stand up to ~, tahan /dipersendakan, diejek-ejek(kan)/; 2. laughing-stock, bahan /senda, ejekan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banter | vt mempersendakan, memperolok-olokkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ so. on, (colloq) tease so., /mempermain(-main)kan, mempersendakan, memperguraukan/ sso: I think you’re just having him on, saya fikir awak cuma mempermain-mainkannya saja; ~ st on, a. wear st, memakai sst: the child had no clothes on, budak itu tdk memakai apa-apa; b. be engaged with, ada: if you ~ nothing on tomorrow night, come over and see us, kalau kamu tdk ada apa-apa malam besok, datanglah ke rumah kami; ~ o’s eye on, berminat thdp, meminati, memperhatikan: I think that guy has got his eye on you, saya fikir anak muda itu meminati kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grandiose | adj (usu derog) hebat; ( of building, room) terlalu hebat: the council ridiculed his ~ development scheme, majlis perbandaran mempersendakan rancangan pembangunannya yg hebat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expense | at so’s ~, a. paid by so., dgn belanja sso: he dines at expensive restaurants at the company’s ~, dia makan di restoran-restoran mewah dgn belanja syarikat itu; b. in order to laugh at, scorn etc so., mempersendakan sso: they had a good laugh at my ~, mereka ketawa puas-puas mempersendakan saya; at the ~ of st, sehingga /menjejaskan, [sst] terjejas/: he worked very hard for the next two years at the ~ of his health, dia bekerja bersungguh-sungguh pd dua tahun berikutannya sehingga menjejaskan kesihatannya; go to great ~, spend a lot of money, membelanjakan wang yg banyak; spare no ~, membelanjakan wang yg banyak: she spared no ~ to ensure that her guests had a marvellous time, dia membelanjakan wang yg banyak utk memastikan tetamu-tetamunya amat seronok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | the ~ is on so., persendaan itu berbalik pd sso; the ~ is that..., yg /menggelikan hati, lucunya/,...; do st for a ~, bergurau, melawak, berseloroh: I did it for a ~, saya hanya bergurau; have a ~ with so., /bergurau, melawak, berseloroh/ dgn sso: he was having a ~ with his friend when I arrived, dia sedang berseloroh dgn kawannya apabila saya tiba; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan: he made a ~ about his baldness, dia mempersendakan kepala lelaki yg botak itu; be no ~, (not easy) bukan /mudah, senang/; (a serious matter) bukan perkara kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreverent | adj 1. (of person) tdk hormat; (attrib) bersikap tdk hormat: it is generally considered ~ to enter a mosque wearing a dress, pd umumnya dianggap tdk hormat memasuki masjid dgn memakai baju gaun; I don’t think he meant to be ~, saya tdk fikir dia bermaksud bersikap tdk hormat; ~ young people who poke fun at many things, anak-anak muda yg bersikap tdk hormat dan mempersendakan banyak perkara; 2. showing, characterized by lack of respect for important people, institution, menunjukkan sikap tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/; (of attitude) tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/: he made a number of ~ comments about the prince, dia membuat beberapa komen yg menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat kpd putera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | a fair ~ of the whip, /peluang, kesempatan/ utk mencuba; at the ~ of dawn,/ waktu fajar menyingsing; ~ of doom, a. thunder-peal of day of judgement, tiupan sangkakala hari kiamat; b. end of the world, hari kiamat; give so. a ~ at st., memberi sso peluang untuk mencuba; have a ~ at, (fml) mencuba (+ approp v): he’s going to have a ~ at tennis, dia akan mencuba bermain tenis; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan /sso, sst/; open (door etc) just a ~, membuka (pintu dsb) sedikit sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |