hereupon | adv upon this, dgn itu: I have described the present dilemma, ~ I call those present to state their views, saya telah menerangkan dilema yg dihadapi sekarang, dgn itu saya mempersilakan para hadirin utk menyatakan pandangan masing-masing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invite | vt 1. ask (so.) politely, (to attend party, wedding, etc or to go to so’s house etc) menjemput, mengajak, mengundang, mempelawa; (to important, formal or official function) mengundang, menjemput; (verbally and at formal meeting or function) mempersilakan, menjemput: he was ~d to spend the weekend with them, dia diajak menghabiskan hujung minggu bersama mereka; I did not go to her wedding because I was not ~d, saya tdk menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya krn saya tdk dijemput; the Minister ~d the delegates to be seated, Menteri itu mempersilakan wakil-wakil perutusan tersebut duduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bid | vt 1. command, order, a. memerintahkan; (of royalty) menitahkan: the soldiers did as they were ~den, askar-askar itu bertindak sebagaimana yg diperintahkan; 2. ask, menyuruh: just do as your father ~s you, buat saja spt yg disuruh (oleh) ayahmu; 3. invite, ask kindly, mempersilakan, menjemput: he bade me enter, dia mempersilakan saya masuk; 4. greet, salute, mengucapkan: she bade me farewell, dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kpd saya; 5. offer a certain price (for) menawarkan, membida: he ~ $60.00 for the chair, dia menawarkan $60.00 utk kerusi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | ~ on, a. visit, mengunjungi; b. also ~ upon, ask, meminta: to ~ on o’s friends to help out, meminta kawan-kawan menolong; c. also ~ upon, invite (to speak etc) mempersilakan, mengundang; d. also ~ upon, appeal, menyeru: the Prime Minister ~ed on the people to co-operate with the government, Perdana Menteri menyeru rakyat bekerjasama dgn kerajaan; e. invoke, menyeru: to ~ on the spirits of the dead, menyeru roh orang mati; feel ~ed upon, berasa perlu: he felt ~ed upon to explain his actions, dia berasa perlu menerangkan tindakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |