impugn | vt assail so as to call into question, mempersoalkan: the article ~ed his sincerity, rencana itu mempersoalkan kejujurannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advisability | n kebijaksanaan: to question the ~ of the action taken, mempersoalkan kebijaksanaan tindakan yg diambil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispute | vt 1. argue, quarrel over, /bertikai, berbalah/ ttg: for years they ~d the ownership of the land, bertahun-tahun mereka bertikai ttg pemilikan tanah itu; 2. question (the truth, validity of) mempertikaikan, mempersoalkan: to ~ a claim, mempertikaikan tuntutan; to ~ a decision, mempersoalkan sst keputusan; 3. try to prevent possession of, mempertahankan: our troops ~d every inch of the ground, tentera kita mempertahankan setiap inci tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authority | n 1. power, right to exact obedience, judge, etc, a. (leg.) kuasa: he had no ~ to act on the matter, dia tdk mempunyai kuasa utk bertindak dlm hal itu; a teacher has ~ over his pupils, guru mempunyai kuasa thdp murid-muridnya; b. (moral ) kewibawaan: he questioned the ~ of his father, dia mempersoalkan kewibawaan bapanya; c. (randomly exercised ) pengaruh: he exercised absolute ~ over the younger children, dia mempunyai pengaruh sepenuhnya thdp kanak-kanak yg lebih muda daripadanya; 2. (esp in pl) person, body having such power, pihak berkuasa: the university authorities, pihak berkuasa universiti; 3. delegated power, kuasa yg diberikan: he was acting on the manager’s ~, dia bertindak dgn kuasa yg diberikan oleh pengurus; 4. influence, power resulting from knowledge etc, kewibawaan: his ~ as a critic was undeniable, kewibawaannya sbg pengkritik tdk dapat dinafikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |