argue | ~ with, a. see vi (sense 1.); b. disagree with, mempertikaikan: I do not ~ with the facts, only with the meaning you give them, saya tdk mempertikaikan kenyataan itu tetapi saya mempertikaikan makna yg kamu berikan kepadanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | vt 1. dispute, challenge, mempertikaikan: every clause in the bill was ~ed by the opposition, setiap fasal dlm rang undang-undang itu dipertikaikan oleh pihak pembangkang; the shareholders ~ed the accuracy of the report, para pemegang saham mempertikaikan ketepatan laporan itu; to ~ a will, mempertikaikan wasiat; 2. compete, a. (for st) bertanding utk merebut: to ~ a parliamentary seat, bertanding utk merebut kerusi parlimen; b. (in competition, election) bertanding dlm: ~ the race, bertanding dlm perlumbaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispute | vt 1. argue, quarrel over, /bertikai, berbalah/ ttg: for years they ~d the ownership of the land, bertahun-tahun mereka bertikai ttg pemilikan tanah itu; 2. question (the truth, validity of) mempertikaikan, mempersoalkan: to ~ a claim, mempertikaikan tuntutan; to ~ a decision, mempersoalkan sst keputusan; 3. try to prevent possession of, mempertahankan: our troops ~d every inch of the ground, tentera kita mempertahankan setiap inci tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
controvert | vt (fml) 1. dispute, mempertikaikan: a fact that cannot be ~ed, satu kenyataan yg tdk dapat dipertikaikan; 2. deny, menyangkal, menyanggah: to ~ the allegation, menyangkal tuduhan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |