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Kata Terbitan : memungut, pungutan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

gleanvt 1. memungut saki-baki tuaian: to ~ corn, memungut saki-baki tuaian jagung; 2. (fig.) mengutip, memungut: these facts were ~ed from many sources, fakta-fakta ini dikutip drpd banyak sumber.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collectvt 1. gather together, mengumpulkan: she ~ed all the books on the table, dia mengumpulkan semua buku yg ada di atas meja; he ~ed his friends for the party, dia mengumpulkan kawan-kawannya utk majlis itu; 2. accumulate (as hobby) mengumpul: to ~ stamps, mengumpul setem; she ~s antiques, dia mengumpul barang-barang antik; 3. call for, receive (rent, payment, taxes, etc) memungut, mengutip; (pension) mengambil: the landlord ~s the rent every month, tuan rumah itu memungut sewa rumah setiap bulan; 4. fetch, mengambil: the parcel was ~ed this morning, bungkusan itu diambil pagi ini; has she gone to ~ her son from school yet?, sudahkah dia pergi mengambil anaknya dr sekolah?; 5. regain control of, menenangkan: to ~ o’s thoughts, menenangkan fikiran; ~ os, bertenang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 n; the ~, person, thing which is last, approp n + (yg) terakhir: he was the ~ to arrive, dia orang yg terakhir tiba; they got in the ~ of the crop before the rains, mereka memungut panen terakhir sebelum hujan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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