bestrew | vt 1. scatter about, menaburi: he ~ed his wife’s grave with flowers, dia menaburi kubur isterinya dgn bunga-bungaan; 2. lie scattered about, /bertaburan, berselerak/; (of dead bodies) bergelimpangan di: children’s toys ~ed the room, mainan kanak-kanak berselerak di dlm bilik itu; leaves ~ the ground in autumn, daun bertaburan di bumi pd musim luruh; corpses ~ed the battlefield, mayat-mayat bergelimpangan di medan pertempuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flour | vt sprinkle with flour, menaburi [sst] dgn tepung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dredge2 | vt sprinkle, a. (sugar, flour, etc) menabur: she ~d icing sugar over the cake, dia menabur gula aising ke atas kek itu; b. (cake, meat, etc) menaburi: to ~ a cake with icing sugar, menaburi kek dgn gula aising. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dust | vt 1. remove dust from, menyapu habuk pd; (room) menyapu habuk di: the furniture needs to be ~ed twice a week, perlu disapu habuk pd perabot itu dua kali seminggu; 2. sprinkle, a. (st with) menaburi: to ~ the cake with icing sugar, menaburi kek dgn gula aising; b. (st on) menaburkan: she ~ed talcum powder all over her body, dia menaburkan bedak talkum ke seluruh badannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |