patch | vt 1. repair with a patch, menampal: his mother had ~ed his overalls, ibunya telah pun menampal baju luarnya; to ~ a sail, menampal layar; the inner tube was damaged too much to be ~ed, tiub dalam itu terlalu rosak utk ditampal; 2. cover a worn-out area on (dress etc) menampal: this cloth will ~ those trousers quite adequately, kain ini sesuai utk menampal seluar-seluar itu; 3. (often pass.) mark, show patches on, bertaburan dgn [sst] di sana sini: the hillside was ~ed with small orchards, lereng bukit itu bertaburan dgn dusun kecil di sana sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paste 1 | ~ st up, a. attach st to surface with paste, menampal sst: the students ~d up posters about the show all over the campus, pelajar-pelajar menampal poster ttg pertunjukan tersebut di merata-rata kampus; b. cover hole etc with st attached by adhesive, menampal: as a temporary measure, he ~d up the broken window with brown paper, buat sementara dia menampal tingkap yg pecah itu dgn kertas kuning; c. (in printing) arrange typeset material, illustrations on page, menempel: only a few pages of the book have been ~d up so far, hanya beberapa halaman buku itu yg ditempel setakat ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seal 1 | c. (crack, hole, etc) menampal: the painter ~ed up the cracks in the wall before applying the paint, tukang cat itu menampal rekahan-rekahan pd dinding sebelum mengecatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stamp | vt 1. affix postage stamp to, /menampal, membubuhi/ [sst] setem, melekatkan/ setem (pd): the letter was returned to the sender as it was not ~ed, surat itu dipulangkan kpd pengirim krn tdk dibubuhi setem; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
applique | n 1. (ornamental work) tampal hias; 2. (the practice) kerja menampal hias; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paste 1 | he’d ~ the notice to his door, dia telah menampalkan notis pd pintunya; 2. cover surface (with paper etc) by pasting with adhesive, menampal: the walls of her room were ~d with posters of pop-stars, dinding-dinding biliknya ditampal dgn poster-poster bintang pop; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gum 1 | ~ up; be ~med up, made sticky, lekit, melekat-lekat: my fingers were all ~med up when I finished sticking up the posters, jari-jari saya habis melekat-lekat selepas saya menampal poster-poster itu; ~ up the works, (colloq), (act.) menyebabkan sst terhenti; (pass.) sst terhenti: the project was running smoothly until the newly-appointed head ~med up the works, projek itu berjalan lancar sehingga ketua yg baru dilantik menyebabkan kerja terhenti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chip | n 1. small piece (of wood, stone) serpihan: marble ~s, serpihan marmar; 2. crack caused by chipping, serpih, sumbing: to repair a ~ in the tooth, menampal gigi yg serpih; 3. (usu in pl) french-fried potatoes, kentang goreng: fish and ~s, ikan dan kentang goreng; 4. (electr) serpihan; 5. counter used in gambling, cip; 6. (golf) pukulan sungkit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |