ivory tower | n menara gading: researchers in their ~s, para penyelidik yg hidup di menara gading. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
campanile | n menara loceng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cooling tower | n menara pendinginan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
control tower | n menara kawalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clock tower | n menara jam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belfry | n bell tower, menara loceng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | n 1. main tower, most fortified part of medieval castle, menara utama; 2. what is needed for support, maintenance of person, sara hidup; earn o’s ~, membiayai sara hidup sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crumple | vi often ~ up, 1. become creased or crushed up, ronyok, renyuk, berkedut; (of st made of metal) remuk: this material ~s easily, kain ini mudah ronyok; the wing ~d when the plane hit the tower, sayap kapal terbang itu remuk apabila terlanggar menara; 2. collapse, rebah: he ~d up suddenly under the strain, dia rebah dgn tiba-tiba krn terlalu penat; 3. lose strength to fight, give way, patah semangat; (of enemy forces, resistance, etc) tumpas: he ~d up on hearing the bad news, dia patah semangat apabila mendengar berita buruk itu; 4. (of face) berkerut-kerut: her face ~d up, and she began to cry, mukanya berkerut-kerut dan dia mula menangis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crown | vt 1. place crown on head of, (so as to invest with royal power, title) memahkotai [sso] sbg: they ~ed him King, mereka memahkotai baginda sbg Raja; she was ~ed Miss World, dia dimahkotai sbg Ratu Cantik Dunia; 2. top, cap, terdapat; (so as to cover) meliputi: the church spire was ~ed with a cross, terdapat palang di puncak menara gereja; a mountain ~ed with snow, puncak gunung diliputi salji; 3. bring to a happy conclusion, merupakan kemuncak: success ~ed his efforts, kejayaan merupakan kemuncak usahanya; a visit to the circus ~ed the children’s holiday, lawatan ke sarkas merupakan kemuncak percutian kanak-kanak itu; 4. put artificial crown on, menyalut: to ~ a tooth, menyalut gigi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clearance | n 1. removal of old buildings, trees, etc from an area, pemugaran: slum ~, pemugaran kawasan sesak; land ~, pemugaran tanah; 2. act of, a. (tidying up) mengemaskan; b. (clearing up) membersihkan; c. (passing cheque from one bank to another through a clearing-house) penjelasan; 3. official permission, kebenaran; (for ship, aircraft to enter or leave etc) kebenaran (utk + approp v); (for cargo, goods to be taken out, etc) pelepasan: journalists had to get the CO’s ~ before joinning the patrol, para wartawan mestilah mendapat kebenaran CO sebelum menyertai rondaan; the aeroplane got ~ from the control tower, kapal terbang itu mendapat kebenaran utk berlepas drpd menara kawalan; he could not get a customs ~ for the goods without paying extra duty, dia tdk dapat memperoleh pelepasan kastam bagi barang-barang itu kecuali dgn membayar duti tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |