chip | vt 1. cut, break at edge, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] (menjadi) sumbing; (pass.) sumbing: she complained that someone had ~ped one of her crystal glasses, dia merungut ada orang yg telah menyebabkan salah satu gelas kristalnya sumbing; the statue was ~ped with an axe, patung itu telah diserpihkan dgn kapak; to ~ pieces of stone from the wall, menyerpihkan batu dr dinding itu; 2. shape (st) by breaking off (piece) menarah: to ~ marble, menarah marmar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hew | vt 1. strike with cutting blows, menetak: he ~ed the bench to pieces, dia menetak bangku itu sehingga berkecai; 2. cut into shape, memotong: to ~ logs, memotong balak; 3. shape, make, a. (a path in the jungle) menebas; b. (by excavating) mengorek [sst] utk membuat: to ~ out an underground tunnel, mengorek tanah utk membuat terowong bawah tanah; c. (by carving, chiselling, etc from a larger mass) menarah [sst] utk membuat: to ~ a sampan from a single tree, menarah sebatang pokok utk membuat sampan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |