chaff 1 | vt chop, mencencang: to ~ straw, mencencang jerami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chop 1 | vt 1. cut with an axe, memotong; (by splitting) membelah: to ~ firewood, memotong kayu api; 2. cut into small pieces, mencencang: to ~ up the meat and vegetables, mencencang daging dan sayur; 3. slash, menebas, merambah, membabat: he ~ped his way through the undergrowth, dia menebas semak utk membuat jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hash | vt also ~ up, 1. mencencang; 2. (fig. ), (colloq), [various translations]: if you’re too nervous during the interview, you’ll ~ it up, kalau kamu terlalu gugup semasa temu duga itu kamu akan membuat banyak kesilapan; he ~ed up his chances of becoming vice-president, dia telah merosakkan peluangnya utk menjadi naib presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ up, dapat /dipotong-potong, dikerat-kerat/; (into very small pieces) dapat dicencang: this wood ~s up easily, kayu ini dapat dipotong-potong dgn mudah; ~ st up, separate st into parts, /memotong-motong, mengerat-ngerat/ sst; (into very small pieces) mencencang; ~ so. up, (act.) menyedihkan sso; (pass.) sso sedih: he was ~ up after his parents’ divorce, dia sedih selepas ibu bapanya bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |