bathe | vt 1. apply water to, mencuci, membasuh, menyiramkan air pd: the nurse ~d the wound and applied the medicine, jururawat mencuci luka itu dan membubuh ubat; to ~ o’s eyes, mencuci mata sso; 2. immerse (in liquid) merendam: he ~d his swollen feet in warm water, dia merendam kakinya yg bengkak di dlm air suam; 3. lap, flow over, menyapu: the sea ~s the gently sloping beach, air laut menyapu pantai yg landai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
char 2 | vi work as a cleaner, mengambil upah mencuci (+ approp n): she goes out ~ring three days a week, dia keluar mengambil upah mencuci pejabat tiga kali seminggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry-clean | vt mencuci kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bream | vt (naut) mencuci /dasar, bahagian bawah/ kapal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | ~ st down, /membersihkan, mencuci/ sst: he ~ed down the walls, dia membersihkan dinding itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dress | 4. wash, bandage, apply ointment etc to (wound) mencuci dan membalut: the cut was ~ed everyday, luka itu dicuci dan dibalut setiap hari; 5. provide with decoration, display goods, etc, meragahiaskan; (Christmas tree) menghias: they always ~ their shop window attractively, mereka selalu meragahiaskan jendela kedai mereka dgn menarik; 6. a. prepare (chicken, fish, etc) for cooking or selling, menyiang; b. prepare (salad) for eating, membubuh (kuah) pd: don’t ~ the salad yet, jangan bubuh kuah pd salad lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | vt 1. get rid of grime etc from, membersihkan, mencuci: to ~ the carpet, membersihkan permaidani; to ~ o’s fingernails, membersihkan kuku; 2. (teeth) menggosok; 3. (fish, fowl) menyiang; 4. finish all the food on, menghabiskan: he ~ed the whole plate in five minutes, dia menghabiskan semua makanan dlm pinggan itu dlm masa lima minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | I’ve got through a lot of cleaning today, saya dapat menyelesaikan banyak kerja mencuci hari ini; d. finish reading st, (habis, selesai) membaca sst: she can’t possibly ~ through all these files in a week, tdk mungkin dia dapat membaca kandungan semua fail ini dlm masa seminggu; I still haven’t got through the book you lent me last week, saya masih belum habis membaca buku yg kamu pinjamkan minggu lalu; e. move or pass through st, lalu di celah-celah sst: he couldn’t ~ through the crowd, dia tdk dapat lalu di celah-celah orang ramai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
except | conj 1. apart from, kecuali, melainkan: I will do anything ~ clean the toilet, saya akan membuat apa sahaja, kecuali mencuci bilik air; 2. ( colloq ) only, but, hanya, cuma: I would give the shoes to you, ~ they wouldn’t fit you, saya akan memberikan kasut ini kpd kamu, cuma kasut ini tdk muat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrigate | vt 1. supply (land) with water (by building canals, digging ditches, etc) mengairi: to ~ vast tracts of desert for cultivation, mengairi kawasan gurun yg luas utk dijadikan tanah pertanian; 2. (med) mencuci, membasuh: to ~ a wound, membasuh luka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |