deep-seated | adj 1. (of disease, illness) sudah berakar umbi; 2. (of emotion, faith, tradition, etc) mendarah daging: a ~ distrust, perasaan tdk percaya yg sudah mendarah daging; a ~ belief in the occult, kepercayaan thdp ilmu ghaib yg telah mendarah daging; 3. (of cause) berakar umbi: the causes of the feud are ~, sebab-sebab permusuhan itu sudah berakar umbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ingrained | adj 1. worked or fixed deeply into surface, fibre, etc, melekat: hard scrubbing would not remove the ~ dirt, kotoran itu yg melekat tdk akan tanggal walaupun diberus kuat-kuat; 2. deeply rooted, telah berurat berakar; (of habit) sudah mendarah daging: these prejudices are ~ in him, prasangka-prasangka ini telah berurat berakar dlm dirinya; ~ fears, rasa takut yg telah berurat berakar; 3. absolute, utter, betul-betul, benar-benar: an ~ liar, orang yg betul-betul pembohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |