land | vi 1. (of an aircraft) alight on the ground, mendarat: we ~ed safely, kami mendarat dgn selamat; 2. disembark, mendarat; 3. fall to the ground, jatuh: the tennis ball ~ed at the far end of the court, bola tenis itu jatuh jauh di hujung gelanggang; he was flung from his bicycle and ~ed in a bush, dia tercampak drpd basikalnya dan jatuh ke dlm semak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landfall | n 1. first sight of land, bertemu daratan: let's hope we make a ~ soon, semoga kita bertemu daratan tdk lama lagi; 2. land reached, tempat ... mendarat: their first ~ after leaving England was the Cape of Good Hope, tempat mereka mula mendarat selepas meninggalkan England ialah Tanjung Pengharapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landing | n 1. act of coming or bringing aircraft etc down to the ground, pendaratan, mendarat: the small plane made an emergency ~ on one of the island’s airstrips, kapal terbang kecil itu membuat pendaratan kecemasan di salah sebuah pangkalan terbang di pulau itu; 2. (a military operation) arrival of troops, pendaratan: the enemy made several ~s on the coast, pihak musuh membuat beberapa pendaratan di pantai; 3. also landing place, small platform from where boats etc take on or off cargo, people, pangkalan: along the river you’ll find a few ~ places, di sepanjang sungai itu kamu akan menemui beberapa buah pangkalan; 4. level area at the top of or between two flights of stairs, /pelantar, anjung/ tangga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flap | 3. (of aeroplane wing) kepak: the pilot lowered the ~s in preparation to land, juruterbang menurunkan kepak-kepak utk mula mendarat; 4. movement or sound of flapping, kibasan; (of wings) kibasan, kelepak; (repeated of sails) kelepak-kelepuk; be in a ~, gelabah, gelisah, resah; get into a ~, naik /gelabah, gelisah, resah/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | vi also ~ round, move in a circle, berlegar: the plane ~d several times before landing, kapal terbang itu berlegar beberapa kali sebelum mendarat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | f. (of ceiling, wall, etc) collapse, roboh; g. be reduced, lessen, jatuh, turun; (of weight) turun: the price of gold came down suddenly, harga emas jatuh dgn tiba-tiba; h. land, mendarat: the plane came down safely, kapal terbang itu selamat mendarat; i. be destroyed, dimusnahkan: to implement our plan, the pre-war buildings must ~ down, utk melaksanakan rancangan kami, bangunan-bangunan sebelum perang itu mesti dimusnahkan; ~ down in the world, martabat sso jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attempt | vt 1. try, mencuba; (task, problem) mencuba + approp v: he ~ed to forge my signature, dia mencuba memalsukan tandatangan saya; to ~ a landing, mencuba mendarat; to ~ suicide, mencuba membunuh diri; to ~ a task, mencuba membuat sst tugas; 2. try to climb, mencuba /mendaki, memanjat, menanjak/: the team will ~ the north face of Mount Kinabalu, pasukan itu akan mencuba mendaki permukaan utara Gunung Kinabalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | ~ up, (not fml) do st in the end, akhirnya, sudahnya, [not translated]: I fell asleep in the train to Oxford and ~ed up in Birmingham, saya tertidur dlm kereta api ke Oxford dan akhirnya sampai di Birmingham; the parachutist intended to land on the airstrip but ~ed in the river, ahli payung terjun itu hendak mendarat di lapangan terbang tetapi mendarat di sungai pula; my brother went to university but ~ed up as a waiter in McDonald’s, adik saya memasuki universiti tetapi sudahnya menjadi pelayan di McDonald; ~ st up, see vt (sense 3.); ~ up with st, /menyudahi, mengakhiri, menamatkan/ [sst] dgn sst: first we had a four-course dinner, then there was dancing and we ~ed up with a toast at midnight, mula-mula kami dihidangi makan malam empat sajian, selepas itu ada tari-menari dan kami mengakhiri majlis itu dgn minum ucap selamat pd tengah malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
envelop | vt 1. wrap up, (in a garment) menutupi; (in a shawl, blanket) membaluti: a three - year - old girl wearing an oversized robe which completely ~ed her, kanak-kanak berumur tiga tahun memakai jubah yg terlalu besar yg menutupi seluruh badannya; she had ~ed the baby in a large woollen shawl, dia membaluti bayi itu dgn selendang bulu yg besar; 2. cover completely as to conceal from sight, menyelubungi, menyelimuti; (in flames) menelan: they were prevented from landing by the fog which ~ed the city, mereka tdk dapat mendarat disebabkan kabut yg menyelubungi bandar itu; the whole building was ~ed in flames, seluruh bangunan itu ditelan api; 3. obscure, menyelubungi: a subject ~ed in mystery, perkara yg diselubungi misteri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | vt 1. compel, (act.) memaksa; (pass.) deliberately, dipaksa; (otherwise) terpaksa: hunger ~d him to steal, kelaparan memaksanya mencuri or dia terpaksa mencuri krn kelaparan; circumstances ~ me to resign, keadaan memaksa saya meletakkan jawatan or saya terpaksa meletakkan jawatan krn keadaan; she ~d the child to eat, dia memaksa budak itu makan; the bad weather ~d the pilot to land his plane in Canberra, krn cuaca buruk juruterbang itu terpaksa mendaratkan kapal terbangnya di Canberra; the hijackers ~d the pilot to land in Canberra, juruterbang itu dipaksa oleh perampas-perampas tersebut supaya mendarat di Canberra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |