keep | ~ back from st, /tdk mendekati, menjauhi/ sst: he kept (well) back from the lion’s cage, dia tdk mendekati kurungan singa; ~ st back from st, retain st, menahan sst: they kept back $200/- from my salary every month, mere | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | ~ up on, a. approach silently or unobserved, /mendekati, merapati, menghampiri/ secara diam-diam: a lion ~ing up on its quarry, seekor singa yg sedang mendekati mangsanya secara diam-diam; b. (of old age) meningkat, merangkak: old age ~s up on one unawares, tanpa disedari usia meningkat tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | 4. (often in pl) overture, percubaan utk /mendekati, merapati/ + approp pron: France rejected Germany’s ~es, Perancis menolak percubaan Jerman utk mendekatinya; /easy, difficult/ of ~, /mudah, susah/ /didekati, dirapati/: a man who, in spite of his rank, has always been easy of ~, walaupun berpangkat dia mudah didekati; make ~es to, mencuba /mendekati, merapati/: he made ~es to the girl, dia mencuba mendekati gadis itu; 5. means, method of doing st, pendekatan; (job, work etc) cara mengendalikan: a fresh ~ to the subject, pendekatan yg baru bagi perkara itu; the book provides an excellent ~ to the problem, buku itu memberikan pendekatan yg amat baik kpd masalah itu; his ~ to the job is all wrong, cara dia mengendalikan kerja itu semuanya salah; 6. also approach path, (aeron) lintasan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accost | vt 1. approach and address, /menghampiri, mendatangi, mendekati/ dan menegur: a customs officer ~ed them as they were hailing a taxi, seorang pegawai kastam menghampiri dan menegur mereka sewaktu mereka sedang memanggil teksi; 2. (of prostitute) solicit, mendekati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | vt 1. come nearer,a. (in space) menghampiri, mendekati, merapati: we are now ~ing the House of Parliament, sekarang kita menghampiri bangunan Parlimen; as the train ~ed the station, the crowd surged forward, ketika kereta api menghampiri stesen, orang ramai berasak-asak ke hadapan; b. (in time) hampir (mencapai), mendekati: he is ~ing sixty, usianya hampir enam puluh tahun; 2. come nearer (in quality, character etc) a. (to a stage in life) hampir, hampir mencapai, mendekati; (to old age, senility) hampir: a boy ~ing adolescence, budak lelaki yg hampir mencapai usia remaja; b. (to a certain state, level), [various translations]: the building is ~ing completion, bangunan itu hampir siap; words that ~ treason, kata-kata yg hampir-hampir merupakan penderhakaan; c. (to so’s level of achievement, ability, etc) menandingi, menyaingi, menyamai: few writers can ~ him as a novelist, hanya beberapa orang saja penulis yg dapat menandinginya sbg novelis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | 3. make overtures to, berjumpa dgn, menemui: to ~ the manager about a raise, berjumpa dgn pengurus ttg hal kenaikan gaji; 4. set about (problem, task, etc) mendekati: to ~ a problem from a new angle, mendekati masalah dr sudut yg baru; 5./b> attempt, a. (to influence) mencuba mempengaruhi: he claimed that he was ~ed by the defendant’s lawyers, dia mendakwa bahawa peguam-peguam pihak yg kena tuntut telah mencuba mempengaruhinya; b. (to bribe) mencuba /menyuap, menyogok/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approaching | adj 1. coming nearer (in space), /menghampiri, mendekati, merapati/ + approp n; (of sound) kedengaran semakin dekat: the captain watched the ~ ship through his binoculars, nakhoda itu memperhatikan kapal yg menghampirinya dgn teropong; the townsfolk were warned of a rapidly ~ tornado, penduduk bandar itu diberikan amaran ttg puting beliung yg menghampiri bandar itu dgn begitu laju; ~ footsteps, bunyi tapak kaki yg kedengaran semakin dekat; 2. coming nearer (in time) hampir tiba: the regiment will take part in the ~ campaign, pasukan itu akan mengambil bahagian dlm kempen yg hampir tiba itu; his ~ death, saat-saat kematiannya yg hampir tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bargepole | n galah baj; would not touch /st, so./ with a ~, tdk mahu mendekati /sst, sso/ sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ away from /so., st/, /menjauhkan diri dr, menjauhi/ /sso, sst/; (imper & in request prohibiting so. doing st) jangan /menghampiri, mendekati/ /sso, sst/: he ~s away from bad company, dia menjauhkan diri dr orang-orang jahat: the | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ off, a. (of rain, snow, thunderstorm, etc) not begin, tdk turun: luckily the rain kept off, mujurlah hujan tdk turun; b. (stay, remain at a distance), /tdk, jangan/ mendekati sst; (imper) jangan dekat; ( | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |