hear | vt 1. perceive with the ears, mendengar: I can ~ the baby crying, saya dapat mendengar bayi itu menangis; you’d better ~ what he has to say, lebih baik kamu dengar apa yg hendak dikatakannya; 2. learn of, mendengar: I only ~d the news yesterday, saya baru mendengar berita itu semalam; 3. (leg.) mendengar: the case was ~d in the magistrate’s court, kes itu didengar di mahkamah majistret; 4. grant, memakbulkan: God ~d my prayers, Tuhan telah memakbulkan doaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | ~ of, mendengar ttg: he might be a big name over there but we have not ~d of him, dia mungkin orang yg terkenal di sana tetapi kami tdk pernah mendengar tentangnya; not ~ of, tdk mahu mendengar langsung: the teacher won’t ~ of such an excuse, guru itu tdk mahu mendengar langsung alasan spt itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | ~ about, mendengar berita ttg: I ~d about the accident from my cousin, saya mendengar berita ttg kemalangan itu drpd sepupu saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | vi 1. perceive sound with the ears, mendengar: she can’t ~ very well because of her age, dia tdk boleh mendengar dgn begitu baik krn dia sudah tua; 2. receive news, letter, etc, /menerima, mendapat/+ approp n: the student ~s from his family every week, pelajar itu menerima berita drpd keluarganya setiap minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buttonhole | vt force (so.) to listen, memaksa [sso] mendengar + approp n: as I was leaving the office Miss Roberts ~d me, semasa saya hendak keluar dr pejabat, Miss Roberts memaksa saya mendengar ceritanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | b. not have to be concerned with so., st again, tdk akan /mendengar, melihat/ /sso, sst/ lagi: he’d been such a nuisance, the landlady was glad to see the ~ of him, dia begitu menyusahkan, jadi wanita tuan rumah sangat gembira krn tdk akan melihat dia lagi; I hope we have heard the ~ of that rumour, saya berharap kita tdk akan mendengar desas-desus itu lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | ~ so. out, mendengar habis-habis: you had better ~ me out first, lebih baik kamu dengar dulu habis-habis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ear1 | be all ~s, memasang telinga: he was all ~s when the winners’ names were announced, dia memasang telinga apabila nama pemenang-pemenang diumumkan; come to so’s ~s, sso /mendengar khabar, mendapat tahu, dengar(-dengar)/: it has come to my ~s that you have resigned, saya mendengar khabar saudara telah meletakkan jawatan; fall on deaf ~s, tdk /diendahkan, dipedulikan, dihiraukan/: my advice fell on deaf ~s, nasihat saya tdk diendahkan; go in (at) one ~ and out (at) the other, masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri; have a /good, bad/ ~ for music, /tahu, faham/ muzik;have no ~ for music, /tdk tahu mendengar, tdk faham ttg/ muzik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hearing | /in, within/ so’s ~, sso sendiri yg mendengar: it was said in my ~, perkara itu saya sendiri yg mendengarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confessional | n place where priest hears confessions, petak mendengar pengakuan dosa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |