cloudy | adj 1. overcast, mendung: ~ weather, cuaca mendung; 2. not clear, a. (gen) kabur: a ~ old mirror, cermin lama yg kabur; my memory is ~, ingatan saya kabur; his description of the incident is ~, ceritanya ttg kejadian itu kabur; b. (of liquid) keruh: the well water is ~, air perigi itu keruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloud | vi 1. also ~ over, become overcast, a. menjadi mendung: the sky ~ed over, langit menjadi mendung; b. (fig.), (menjadi) keruh: his face ~ed with anger, mukanya keruh krn marah; 2. also ~ over, become misty, menjadi kabur: the windows have ~d over due to the steam, tingkap-tingkap menjadi kabur disebabkan wap; her eyes ~ with tears, matanya menjadi kabur digenangi air mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | ~ out, a. cover, menutup, melindungi: thick rain clouds were ~ing out the sun, mendung tebal menutup matahari; b. get in the way of, menyekat; c. (photog & printing) menutup: ~ out the top of the negative, tutup bahagian atas negatif itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grey | adj 1. (of colour) kelabu: a ~ suit, sut kelabu; 2. (of person) beruban: his father is growing ~, bapanya semakin beruban; 3. (of hair, usu due to old age) beruban: a ~ - haired woman, wanita yg beruban; 4. (of beard) putih; 5. pale, pucat: he looked ~ because of his illness, mukanya kelihatan pucat krn penyakitnya; 6. overcast, mendung: ~ skies, langit yg mendung; 7. dreary, dismal, suram, muram: life seemed very ~ to him, kehidupan seolah-olah sungguh suram baginya; ~ thoughts, fikiran-fikiran yg suram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interval | n 1. ( intervening period) jarak waktu; (short spell) waktu selang: the ~ between the two events, jarak waktu antara dua peristiwa itu; during the three-week ~..., semasa jarak waktu selama tiga minggu itu...; the ~s between the races were short, jarak waktu antara perlumbaan itu singkat; the weather was cloudy, with brief ~s of sunlight, cuaca mendung dgn waktu selang cuaca cerah yg seketika; 2. intermission, /masa, waktu/ rehat: he went into the foyer during the ~, dia ke ruang legar semasa waktu rehat; 3. (mus) jeda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |