forbid | vt 1. refuse or not allow, melarang, menegah; (officially) melarang: the law ~s the opening of bars on Sunday, undang-undang melarang bar dibuka pd Hari Ahad; she was ~den to leave the house, dia dilarang drpd meninggalkan rumah; mother forbade us chocolates for fear that our teeth would be ruined, ibu melarang kami memakan coklat krn takut gigi kami rosak; smoking is ~den in the library, dilarang merokok di perpustakaan; 2. prevent, menghalang: my health ~s my travelling overseas, keadaan kesihatan saya menghalang saya drpd melancong ke luar negeri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |