jam1 | ~ st on, menekan sst: to ~ on the brakes, menekan brek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depress | vt 1. press, push down, menekan: to ~ a piston, menekan omboh; 2. (econ), (act.) menyebabkan [sst] meleset; (pass.) meleset: anxieties about the war ~ed the value of the dollar, kebimbangan ttg perang telah menyebabkan nilai dolar meleset; 3. dispirit, menyedihkan, menjadikan [sso] murung: the news ~ed her, berita itu menyedihkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imprint | vt 1. mark by means of pressure, menekan: he ~ed the wax with his seal, dia menekan lilin dgn tera; 2. press to leave mark, menekankan; (in the form of design, pattern) menera; (in the form of tyre mark, footprint, etc), (act.) meninggalkan kesan; (pass.) tertera: he ~ed his seal on the soft wax, dia menekankan teranya pd lilin yg cair itu; the document was ~ed with the Royal seal, dokumen itu ditera dgn cap mohor Diraja; the car ~ed its tyre mark on the sand, kereta itu meninggalkan kesan tayarnya pd pasir; a line of footmarks ~ed in the snow, deretan bekas tapak aki yg tertera pd salji; 3. stamp, (act.) menera; (pass.) tertera: the postmark is ~ed across the top of the letter, cap pos tertera pd bahagian atas surat itu; 4. fix deeply (on mind, memory, etc) tertera: his words remained ~ed on my mind, kata-katanya tertera dlm ingatan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buzz | vt 1. (of an aircraft) fly over or close to (ship or another plane) terbang hampir dgn; 2. summon, signal with a buzzer, memanggil (sso) dgn menekan pembaz: he ~ed his secretary, dia memanggil setiausahanya dgn menekan pembaz; 3. (colloq) make a phone call to, menelefon: I’ll ~ you tomorrow, saya akan menelefon kamu esok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incubus | n 1. (liter.) nightmare, mimpi dahsyat; 2. devil that has sexual intercourse with women in their sleep, hantu; 3. st that oppresses like a nightmare, approp n + yg menekan: to be free from the ~ of slavery, bebas drpd amalan pengabdian yg menekan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brake1 | vi & vt membrek, menekan brek: he ~d hard at the corner, dia membrek kuat di selekoh itu; he ~d the car to a stop, dia membrek kereta itu hingga berhenti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buzz | vi 1. (of bees, machinery) make a humming or vibrating sound, berdengung: the bees ~ed in the garden, lebah-lebah berdengung di taman, 2. be filled with, berdesas-desus: the town is ~ing with the news, bandar itu berdesas-desus dgn khabar-khabar tersebut; the room ~ed with voices, bilik itu berdesas-desus dgn suara manusia; 3. make a signal with a buzzer, menekan pembaz memanggil sso: he ~ed for his secretary, dia menekan pembaz memanggil setiausahanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brake1 | n (device) brek: disc ~, brek piring; apply the ~s, put the ~s on, a. menekan brek; b. (fig.) menahan + approp n: due to the economic recession the organization has been told to put the ~s on, kerana kemelesetan ekonomi, pertubuhan itu telah diberitahu supaya menahan perbelanjaan; put the ~s on (so., st) menahan (sso, sst): the government must put the ~s on illegal bookmakers, kerajaan mesti menahan kegiatan penerima taruhan haram; to put the ~s on spending, menahan perbelanjaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | vt 1. cram, (act.) menyumbatkan, memadatkan; (pass.) padat, sendat, penuh: a drawer ~med with clothes, laci yg padat dgn pakaian; 2. wedge immovably, (act.) approp v [n] + /tersepit, terjepit/; (pass.) tersepit, terjepit: he ~med the table between the cupboard and the wall, dia meletakkan meja itu tersepit di antara almari dan dinding; the child got his fingers ~med in the door, jari anak itu tersepit di celah pintu; 3. fill by crowding, penuh sesak: crowds of people ~med the main streets, jalan-jalan besar penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; 4. cause to become locked, stuck, menyebabkan [n] + approp v: the sudden application of the brakes ~med the wheels, menekan brek dgn tiba-tiba menyebabkan roda tdk dapat bergerak; to ~ the typewriter keys, menyebabkan mata mesin taip tdk dapat ditekan; 5. (radio) mengganggu: to ~ the enemy’s station, mengganggu stesen pemancaran musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
application | n 1. act of, a. (putting to practical use) penerapan: the ~ of a theory, penerapan teori; modern techniques and their ~, teknik moden dan penerapannya; b. (bringing into operation, effect) pengenaan, mengenakan; (of brakes) penekanan, menekan: he protested that the strict ~ of the law would be incongruous in this case, dia memprotes bahawa adalah tdk patut undang-undang dikenakan secara ketat dlm hal ini; the ~ of an embargo, pengenaan embargo; c. (making a request esp in writing) permohonan: an ~ for bail, permohonan utk mengikat jamin; ~ form, borang permohonan; letter of ~, surat permohonan; on ~, apabila dipohon: back numbers are available on ~, keluaran kebelakangan boleh diperoleh apabila dipohon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |