swallow 1 | vi menelan: the girl ~ed nervously before replying, gadis itu dgn gugupnya menelan air liur sebelum menjawab soalan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | vt 1. ingest (food etc) by muscular contractions of the throat, menelan: the child refused to ~ the medicine, budak itu enggan menelan ubat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engulf | vt 1. swallow up, menelan: huge waves ~ed the small boat, gelombang besar menelan bot kecil itu; 2. overwhelm, swamp, melanda; (by silence, grief, etc) menyelubungi: a wave of panic ~ed the people, panik melanda orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devouring | adj 1. engulfing, sedang /menelan, memakan/ + approp n: ~ flame, api yg sedang menelan rumah itu; 2. (of look) lahap; 3. (of eyes) memandang dgn lahap; 4. engrossing, absorbing, menguasai sso: a ~ passion, perasaan ghairah yg menguasai sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | 3. (colloq) put up with, accept patiently, menelan: she ~ed the insult and injustice and carried on doing her duty, dia terpaksa menelan penghinaan dan ketidakadilan itu dan terus menjalankan tugasnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
point | b. decimal point, perpuluhan: the project cost one ~ five million dollars ($1.5m), projek itu menelan belanja satu perpuluhan lima juta ringgit ($1.5j); 4. tiny dot, mark of light, colour, setompok: I could see a ~ of light in the darkness, dalam keadaan gelap itu saya ternampak setompok cahaya; 5. place, locality, tempat: the train stops at only four ~s between the two cities, kereta api itu hanya berhenti di empat buah tempat di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu; 6. particular time, instant, ketika: they started to argue at which ~ I left, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gulp | vt 1. often ~ down, swallow hastily, a. (liquid etc) menggogok: he was so thirsty that he ~ed down three glasses of water, dia begitu dahaga hingga dia menggogok tiga gelas air; b. (solid) menelan saja: he ~ed down his breakfast and ran off to play, dia menelan saja sarapannya lalu berlari keluar utk bermain; 2. also ~ in, breathe in (air) deeply and quickly, terngap-ngap mengambil [nafas]: I saw him come up to the surface a couple of times to ~ in air, saya nampak dia naik ke permukaan air beberapa kali terngap-ngap mengambil nafas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | ~ /so., st/ up, a. cause so., st to disappear, engulf completely, menelan: the escapee ran into the stadium and was ~ed up by the crowd,banduan yg terlepas itu lari ke dlm stadium dan telah ditelan oleh orang ramai; he watched the car drive away until it was ~ed up by the darkness, dia memperhatikan kereta itu berlalu sehingga kereta itu ditelan oleh kegelapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsavoury, (US) unsavory | adj 1. disagreeable or unpleasant to, a. (taste) tdk enak: she could not bring herself to swallow the ~ food, dia tdk dapat menelan makanan yg tdk enak itu; b. (smell) tdk menyenangkan: an ~ smell, bau yg tdk menyenangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
settle 1 | 4. come to inhabit, menduduki: South Africa was ~d by the Dutch, Afrika Selatan telah diduduki oleh orang Belanda; 5. make calm, quieten, menenangkan: he took a pill to ~ his nerves, dia menelan pil utk menenangkan rasa gemuruhnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |