call | ~ back, menelefon /balik, kembali/; ~ so. back, a. return so’s telephone call, menelefon sso /balik, kembali/; b. recall so., memanggil sso balik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buzz | ~ of conversation, bunyi percakapan; give so. a ~, (colloq) menelefon sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inquire | vi bertanya: he rang up to ~ about the books he had ordered, dia menelefon utk bertanya ttg buku-buku yg dipesannya; have you ~ed about the trains to the city?, sudahkah kamu bertanya ttg kereta api ke bandar?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frailness | n (of voice) kelemahan, lemahnya: when I phoned him, I was shocked to hear the ~ of his voice, semasa saya menelefon, saya terkejut mendengar lemahnya suaranya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ an appointment, a. (by cancelling) mengatakan tdk dapat datang; (fml) membatalkan janji temu: he rang up to ~ his appointment, dia menelefon utk mengatakan dia tdk dapat datang; b. (by not arriving) tdk menepati janji temu; ~ the back of, (fig.) a. (resistance) mematahkan: the attack broke the back of the enemy’s resistance, serangan itu mematahkan tentangan musuh; b. (problem) memecahkan; c. (a particular job) mengatasi kerumitan: if we start early, we might be able to ~ the back of digging the trenches before dusk, jika kita mula awal, kita mungkin dapat menyelesaikan kerja yg paling sukar dlm menggali kubu-kubu parit itu sebelum senja; ~ bread, makan bersama-sama; ~ the bank, a. win all the money, mengaut semua wang; b. (colloq) cost a very large sum of money, habis wang sso: $2.00! Well, that certainly won’t ~ the bank!, $2.00! | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inquire | ~ after, bertanya ttg, menanyakan /khabar, hal/; (so’s health etc) bertanya ttg: an old friend was inquiring after you yesterday, kawan lama kamu bertanya ttg kamu semalam; he called to ~ after my mother’s health, dia menelefon utk bertanya ttg keadaan kesihatan ibu saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buzz | vt 1. (of an aircraft) fly over or close to (ship or another plane) terbang hampir dgn; 2. summon, signal with a buzzer, memanggil (sso) dgn menekan pembaz: he ~ed his secretary, dia memanggil setiausahanya dgn menekan pembaz; 3. (colloq) make a phone call to, menelefon: I’ll ~ you tomorrow, saya akan menelefon kamu esok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astonishing | adj (sangat) menghairankan: an ~ sight, pemandangan yg sangat menghairankan; the results were truly ~, keputusan itu benar-benar menghairankan; it is ~ to me, saya hairan: it is ~ to me that nobody rang the police, saya hairan tiada seorang pun yg menelefon polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conference | n 1. convention, persidangan: an international ~ on lexicography, persidangan antarabangsa ttg leksikografi; 2. meeting, mesyuarat; in ~, sedang bermesyuarat: I’m afraid you’ll have to call back, sir. The manager’s in ~ now, minta maaf, tuan terpaksa menelefon kembali. Pengurus kami sedang bermesyuarat sekarang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ now, a. a short timeago, tadi: I bumped into him ~ now while shopping for groceries, saya bertembung dgn dia tadi semasa membeli barang-barang dapur; b. at this very moment, sekarang (ini): they are having a discussion ~ now – can you call back later?, mereka sedang berbincang sekarang – bolehkah tuan menelefon kembali?; ~ so, a. (showing agreement) quite so, ya; b. with everything in its proper place, rapi, teratur: she likes the room ~ so, dia suka melihat bilik itu rapi; it’s ~ that, bukan apa: it’s ~ that we were not told about it earlier, bukan apa, kami tdk diberitahu terlebih dahulu; that is ~ it, itulah dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |