Maklumat Kata

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Kata Terbitan : menendang, tendangan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

kickvi 1. strike with the foot, menendang, menyepak; (with sole of foot) menerajang: to ~ and scream, menendang dan menjerit; 2. (out of habit) suka menendang: be careful, that horse ~s, berhati-hati, kuKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kickvt 1. strike with the foot, menendang, menyepak; (with sole of foot) menerajang: to ~ a ball high into the air, menendang bola tinggi ke udara; 2. strike on recoil, menendang, menyentak: the gun ~ed himKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boot1vt 1. kick, menendang, menyepak; 2. (sl) often ~ out, menendang keluar: he was ~ed out of the house, dia ditendang keluar dr rumah itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boot1get the ~, (sl) dah kena tendang; give so. the ~, (sl) tendang sso keluar; give st a ~, /menendang, menerajang/ sst: he gave the door a ~, dia menendang pintu itu; hang up o’s ~s, (colloq) bersara, berhenti bermain, pencen; (from work) pencen; lick so’s ~s, (colloq) /mengampu, membodek/ sso; the ~ is on the other /foot, leg/, (not fml) sekarang sudah terbalik kot; you bet your ~s, (sl) saya berani bertaruh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kickn 1. a strike with the foot, tendangan, sepakan; (with sole of foot) terajang; give so. a ~, menendang sso; free ~, tendangan bebas; indirect ~, tendangan tak terus; penalty ~, tendangan penalti; Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lash 1 ~ out, a. strike violently, menyerang: he ~ed out with both his fists, dia menyerang dgn kedua-dua penumbuknya; b. (of horse) kick out, menendang: the horse, which had been standing still, suddenly ~ed out at him, kuda yg berdiri tegak itu tiba-tiba menendangnya; c. make verbal attack, mengecam, menyelar: he ~ed out at his critics, dia menyelar pihak yg mengkritiknya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hack 1vt 1. chop roughly or violently, menetak: the killer ~ed his victim’s body savagely, pembunuh itu menetak tubuh mangsanya dgn ganas; 2. also ~ out, clear, a. (way, path) merintis: to ~ a path through the forest, merintis jalan menembusi hutan itu; b. (farm) membuka: the settlers had to ~ out the farm from heavily-forested land, penduduk-penduduk terpaksa membuka ladang drpd kawasan yg diliputi hutan tebal; 3. (in sport) menendang, menyepak: he ~ed his opponent’s shin, dia menyepak tulang kering lawannya; 4. cut, reduce severely, memenggal: the editor had to ~ the reporter’s story due to space constraints, editor terpaksa memenggal cerita wartawan itu krn kesempitan ruang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
balloonvt 1. swell, distend, menggelembungkan, menggembungkan, mengembungkan, melembungkan: the strong wind ~ed the sails, angin yg bertiup kencang menggelembungkan layar; 2. propel (ball) high into the air, a. (by kicking) /menendang, melambungkan/ [n] tinggi ke udara; b. (by striking) /memukul, melambungkan/ [n] tinggi ke udara.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
andconj 1. as well as, in addition to, dan; (with words that come in pairs), [often not translated]: cats ~ dogs, kucing dan anjing; Malik ~ his friends, Malik dan kawan-kawannya; he punched ~ kicked me, dia menumbuk dan menendang saya; day ~ night, siang malam; rich ~ poor, miskin kaya or kaya miskin; up ~ down, naik turun; pots ~ pans, periuk belanga; 2. (linking numbers), [not translated]: two hundred ~ twelve, dua ratus dua belas; four ~ twenty blackbirds, dua puluh empat ekor burung hitam; one ~ a half hours, satu jam setengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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