against | prep 1. not in favour of, opposed to, a. (gen) menentang: to be ~ apartheid, menentang dasar aparteid; public opinion seems to be ~ legalizing abortion, pendapat umum nampaknya menentang usul mengesahkan pengguguran kandungan; b. (proposal, motion, etc) menentang, membantah, membangkang: he voted ~ the motion, dia mengundi menentang usul itu; c. (enemy) menentang, melawan: to fight ~ subversive elements, berjuang menentang anasir-anasir subversif; d. (of vote) menentang: there were twenty votes for him and five ~ him, terdapat dua puluh undi yg menyokongnya dan lima yg menetangnya; e. (of condition, circumstances, etc) [various translations]: the weather was ~ us, cuaca seolah-olah menentang kami; the odds seem to be ~ his getting the job, nampaknya terlalu banyak halangan baginya utk mendapat kerja itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissent | vi; ~ from, (fml) a. refuse to assent to, menentang: they ~ed strongly from the court’s decision, mereka menentang keputusan mahkamah; b. refuse to accept (doctrines of established church) menentang, mengingkari: accused of ~ing from the Church of England, dituduh mengingkari Gereja England; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ against, a. oppose, menentang: we can’t ~ against their wishes, kita tdk boleh menentang kehendak mereka; b. run counter to, bertentangan: conceding defeat ~es against my principles, menyerah kalah adalah bertentangan dgn prinsip saya; c. have unsatisfactory outcome for, tdk dimenangi oleh: if the case ~es against the defendant, there might be a public outcry, kalau kes itu tdk dimenangi oleh defendan kemungkinan bantahan umum akan tercetus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arm2 | ~ /os, so./ against, a. equip os, so. with weapons (as a defence) mempersenjatai /diri (sso), sso/ utk menentang, memperlengkapi /diri (sso), sso/ (dgn senjata) utk menentang: we must ~ ourselves against the enemy, kita harus mempersenjatai diri kita utk menentang musuh; b. provide os, so. with st that strengthens etc, memperlengkapi /diri (sso), sso/ thdp: to ~ os against communist propaganda, memperlengkapi diri sso thdp propaganda komunis; to ~ our people against the lowering of morals, memperlengkapi rakyat kita thdp kemerosotan akhlak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | ~ against, membuat ribut menentang: the trade union leaders ~ed against the government’s decision to freeze wages, pemimpin-pemimpin kesatuan sekerja membuat ribut menentang keputusan kerajaan utk membekukan gaji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defy | vt 1. resist openly, menentang: the terrorists defied every attempt to subdue them, pengganas-pengganas itu menentang setiap percubaan utk menundukkan mereka; 2. refuse to obey, a. (person) melawan, mengingkari + approp n: you cannot ~ your superiors, kamu tdk boleh melawan ketuamu; the boy defied his father and went ahead to join the army, budak lelaki itu mengingkari perintah bapanya dan meneruskan rancangannya memasuki tentera; b. (the law, social convention, etc) mengingkari; 3. make impossible, tdk dapat: the problem defies solution, masalah itu tdk dapat diselesaikan; beauty that defies description, keindahan yg tdk dapat digambarkan; 4. challenge, mencabar: he defied me to prove that he was lying, dia mencabar saya utk membuktikan bahawa dia berbohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | ~ high, be ambitious, bercita-cita tinggi; ~ in the face of, menentang: there’s little use in trying to ~ in the face of convention, tdk ada gunanya mencuba menentang adat resam; ~ in the face of Providence, mencabar maut; ~ off the handle, naik /radang, berang/; go ~ a kite, (colloq) pergi; send so. ~ing, menyebabkan sso terpelanting; send st ~, menyebabkan sst berterbangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antagonistic | adj bertentangan, berlawanan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis: ~ principles, prinsip-prinsip yg bertentangan; ~ races, bangsa-bangsa yg berlawanan; ~ muscle, otot berantagonis; be ~ to, menentang, melawan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis dgn: he is ~ to the idea, dia menentang gagasan itu; a group ~ to the government, kumpulan yg menentang kerajaan; the biceps muscle is ~ to the triceps, otot biseps berantagonis dgn otot triseps. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kick | ~ /at, against/, a. object to, membantah keras (thdp): he ~ed at the treatment given him, dia membantah keras layanan yg diberikan kepadanya;b. defy, menentang: to ~ against fate, menentang nasib; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissident | adj 1. (of person, group, etc) penentang: ~ elements, anasir-anasir penentang; ~ factions, puak-puak penentang; 2. (of opinion, view, etc) menentang: ~ views, pendapat yg menentang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |