Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

againstprep 1. not in favour of, opposed to, a. (gen) menentang: to be ~ apartheid, menentang dasar aparteid; public opinion seems to be ~ legalizing abortion, pendapat umum nampaknya menentang usul mengesahkan pengguguran kandungan; b. (proposal, motion, etc) menentang, membantah, membangkang: he voted ~ the motion, dia mengundi menentang usul itu; c. (enemy) menentang, melawan: to fight ~ subversive elements, berjuang menentang anasir-anasir subversif; d. (of vote) menentang: there were twenty votes for him and five ~ him, terdapat dua puluh undi yg menyokongnya dan lima yg menetangnya; e. (of condition, circumstances, etc) [various translations]: the weather was ~ us, cuaca seolah-olah menentang kami; the odds seem to be ~ his getting the job, nampaknya terlalu banyak halangan baginya utk mendapat kerja itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
defyvt 1. resist openly, menentang: the terrorists defied every attempt to subdue them, pengganas-pengganas itu menentang setiap percubaan utk menundukkan mereka; 2. refuse to obey, a. (person) melawan, mengingkari + approp n: you cannot ~ your superiors, kamu tdk boleh melawan ketuamu; the boy defied his father and went ahead to join the army, budak lelaki itu mengingkari perintah bapanya dan meneruskan rancangannya memasuki tentera; b. (the law, social convention, etc) mengingkari; 3. make impossible, tdk dapat: the problem defies solution, masalah itu tdk dapat diselesaikan; beauty that defies description, keindahan yg tdk dapat digambarkan; 4. challenge, mencabar: he defied me to prove that he was lying, dia mencabar saya utk membuktikan bahawa dia berbohong.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fly1~ high, be ambitious, bercita-cita tinggi; ~ in the face of, menentang: there’s little use in trying to ~ in the face of convention, tdk ada gunanya mencuba menentang adat resam; ~ in the face of Providence, mencabar maut; ~ off the handle, naik /radang, berang/; go ~ a kite, (colloq) pergi; send so. ~ing, menyebabkan sso terpelanting; send st ~, menyebabkan sst berterbangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buck1vt 1. also ~ off, throw off by bucking, melambungkan, mengambungkan: the horse ~ed its rider into the ditch, kuda itu mengambungkan penunggangnya ke dlm longkang; 2. (US) resist, oppose, menentang: to ~ the system, menentang sistem itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dissidentadj 1. (of person, group, etc) penentang: ~ elements, anasir-anasir penentang; ~ factions, puak-puak penentang; 2. (of opinion, view, etc) menentang: ~ views, pendapat yg menentang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fightvt 1. do battle with, bertempur dgn: America fought Japan for three years, Amerika bertempur dgn Jepun selama tiga tahun; 2. contend with in physical combat, berlawan: my father fought the burglar with his bare hands, bapa saya berlawan dgn pencuri itu dgn tangan saja; 3. oppose, menentang: the senator fought the bill with determination, senator itu menentang rang undang-undang tersebut dgn penuh keazaman; we are going to ~ the action, kami akan menentang tindakan itu; 4. strive to overcome; a. (disease, social evil) berusaha /menghapuskan, membasmi/, (berusaha) membanteras; b. (fire) melawan; c. (fear, pain) melawan; 5. (in boxing) berlawan (tinju) dgn: he fought the champion until the third round, dia berlawan dgn jaguh itu sehingga pusingan ketiga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
biasn 1. inclination, leaning (towards or against) kecenderungan, kecondongan: he has a strong ~ towards an academic career, dia mempunyai kecenderungan yg kuat thdp kerjaya akademik; a ~ against socialism, kecenderungan menentang sosialisme; 2. prejudice, preconceived opinion, /sikap, pendirian/ berat sebelah: he is without ~, dia tdk bersikap berat sebelah; a ~ /against, towards/ st, sikap berat sebelah /menentang, menyokong/ sst;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hostileadj 1. enemy, musuh: ~ troops, tentera musuh; ~ country, negara musuh; 2. characteristic of an enemy, bermusuhan; (of person, crowd) bersikap bermusuhan: ~ attitude, sikap bermusuhan; ~ look, pandangan bermusuhan; 3. (of animal) garang: the animal suddenly became ~, binatang itu tiba-tiba menjadi garang; 4. indic opposition, menentang: ~ reaction, reaksi menentang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conspiracyn 1. act of conspiring, pengkomplotan, berkomplot: ~ against the state is treason, berkomplot menentang negara ialah satu penderhakaan; 2. plot, komplot, persubahatan, pakatan sulit: the ~ to murder Caesar, komplot utk membunuh Caesar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
band1vi often ~ together, unite, bersatu (padu): they ~ed together to resist the terrorists, mereka bersatu padu utk menentang pengganas-pengganas itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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