fly1 | vt 1. travel over in an aircraft, menerbangi: he was the first man to ~ the English Channel, dialah orang pertama yg menerbangi Selat Inggeris; 2. operate (aircraft) memandu: he flies a jet bomber, dia memandu jet pengebom; 3. travel by (airline) naik: I’m never going to ~ Air Gamma again, saya tdk akan naik Air Gamma lagi; 4. transport (so., st) by aircraft, menerbangkan: he flies passengers between New York and London, dia menerbangkan penumpang-penumpang antara New York dan London; he had orchids flown in from Singapore for the wedding, dia memesan supaya bunga anggerik diterbangkan dr Singapura utk majlis perkahwinannya; 5. cause to move in the air, a. (flag) mengibarkan; b. (kite) melayangkan; 6. flee, lari dr: they decided to ~ the country, mereka mengambil keputusan hendak lari dr negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ away, /melayang, terbang/ ditiup angin: my scarf blew away, skaf saya melayang ditiup angin; ~ st away, /melayangkan, menerbangkan/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bank2 | vt 1. often ~ st up, menyebabkan [sst] menimbun; 2. fly (aeroplane) at incline, menerbangkan [kapal terbang] mengereng, mengerengkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | cause st to be sent out by force of air, wind, [various translations]: the chimney blew out clouds of smoke, serombong itu mengeluarkan kepulan-kepulan asap; the wind blew the seeds out, angin menerbangkan biji-biji benih itu keluar; b. extinguish by force of air, wind, memadamkan: she blew out the candle, dia memadamkan lilin itu; c. dissipate (itself) reda: we will have to stay here until the storm ~s itself out, kita terpaksa tinggal di sini sehingga ribut reda; ~ /so’s, o’s/ brains out, menembak kepala sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ off, [various translations]: his hat blew off, topinya melayang ditiup angin; when the water boiled the lid blew off, apabila air mendidih tudung cerek itu terpelanting; ~ st off, [various translations]: the wind blew the roof off the house, angin telah menerbangkan bumbung rumah itu; the gale blew the ship off its course, angin kencang meniup kapal itu hingga terpesong dr arah perjalanannya; she blew the dust off the covers of the book, dia menghembus debu dr kulit buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | n 1. strength, might, kekuatan; (exerted by blow, wind, etc) kuatnya, kekuatan: he used all his ~ to break open the door, dia menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya utk memecahkan pintu itu; the ~ of her personality, kekuatan keperibadiannya; the ~ of his arguments, kekuatan hujah-hujahnya; the ~ of the gale ripped tiles off the roof, kuatnya ribut menerbangkan genting dr bumbung; 2. coercion, violence, kekerasan: the riot was quelled by ~, rusuhan itu ditumpaskan dgn kekerasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |