judge | vt 1. hear and pass judgement, a. (of God) mengadili: God will ~ all men, Tuhan akan mengadili semua manusia; b. (in court of law) menghakimi: do you know who is going to ~ the murder case?, tahukah kamu siapa yg akan menghakimi kes itu?; 2. decide result of (competition etc) mengadili, menghakimi: she will be judging the baby show next week, dia akan mengadili pertandingan bayi minggu hadapan; 3. evaluate, assess, menilai: to ~ a man by the clothes he wears, menilai sso drpd pakaiannya; it’s not for me to ~ you, saya tdk berhak menilai saudara; schools are usually ~d by the performance of their students in exams, sekolah biasanya dinilai drpd prestasi penuntut dlm peperiksaan; 4. estimate, menganggarkan: she ~d him to be about 65, dia menganggarkan umur lelaki itu sekitar 65 tahun; he ~d that there must be at least twenty people living in the small house, dia menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh orang | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | b. pass sentence, menjatuhkan hukuman; sit in ~ /on, over/ so., mengadili sso: I have no right to sit in ~ over you as I would probably have reacted in the same way, saya tdk berhak mengadili kamu krn mungkin saya sendiri akan bertindak balas dgn cara yg sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | 8. a. entrant ( in a competition, race ) peserta: there were at least ten entries for the 400 metre race, terdapat sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh peserta utk perlumbaan 400 meter itu; b. st submitted ( for a competition ) sertaan, [ usu various translations ]: the pudding is her ~ for the cooking competition, puding itu ialah sertaannya utk peraduan memasak itu; who will be judging the entries in the short story competition?, siapakah yg akan mengadili cerita-cerita di dlm pertandingan menulis cerpen itu?; all entries must be submitted before the 30th of June, semua borang jawapan mestilah dihantar sebelum 30 Jun; 9. input ( into a computer ) pemasukan: data ~, pemasukan data. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |