complain | vi 1. express displeasure, grumble, merungut, bersungut: she ~s about everything, dia merungut ttg semua perkara; 2. formally state o’s grievances, mengadu: if you do not stop your continuous banging, I shall ~ to the police, jika kamu tdk berhenti mengetuk saya akan mengadu kpd polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
short-change | vt 1. give less than the correct change to, memberikan wang tukar yg kurang: she complained that the shopkeeper had ~d her, dia mengadu bahawa pekedai itu memberikan wang tukar yg kurang kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mishandle | vt 1. handle wrongly, salah memperlakukan; (roughly) memperlakukan dgn kasar: the reporters complained that they had been ~d by the police, wartawan-wartawan itu mengadu bahawa mereka telah diperlakukan dgn kasar oleh po | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greenhorn | n (colloq) 1. inexperienced, gullible person, approp n + yg /masih hijau, kurang berpengalaman/: the officer complained that his platoon is full of ~s, pegawai itu mengadu yg platunnya penuh dgn askar-askar yg masih hijau; 2. (US) immigrant, pendatang baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bugger | n 1. (UK), (colloq & taboo), (applied to people) a. (showing contempt or anger) bodoh, babi: you stupid ~! You almost killed me!, bodoh! Saya hampir mati tadi!; that ~! He’s ruined my chances!, babi betul dia! Habis peluang aku!; b. (showing sympathy) dia: the poor ~ didn’t know who to turn to, kasihan dia. Dia tdk tahu kpd siapa hendak mengadu; c. (said in jocular and friendly raillery), [various translations, sometimes not translated]: the cheeky little ~ ate my sandwich, budak nakal tu makan sandwic saya; you lucky ~!, untung betul kamu!; come on, old ~!, Let’s get you home, marilah! Kami hantar kamu pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appetite | n 1. desire for food, drink, selera, nafsu makan: the swim had given them all an ~, berenang membangkitkan selera mereka; have an ~ (for food, drink) berselera, mempunyai selera: normally the boy has a good ~, biasanya budak lelaki itu berselera; spoil /o’s, so’s/ ~, (menyebabkan sso) /patah selera, tdk lalu makan/: don’t spoil your ~ by eating sweets before dinner, jangan makan gula-gula sebelum makan malam, nanti patah selera; the cakes have spoilt his ~, kek yg dimakannya itu menyebabkan dia patah selera; 2. desire to satisfy bodily needs, nafsu: sexual ~, nafsu seks; 3. desire, inclination, hasrat, keinginan: he seems to have lost all ~ for life, dia nampaknya telah hilang keinginan utk hidup; tales that whetted the boy’s ~ for adventure, cerita-cerita yg membangkitkan keinginan budak itu utk mengadu untung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |