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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata mengah-mengah;

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

huffvi emit puffs of air, menghembus-hembus; (as a result of exhaustion) termengah-mengah, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah: after running a hundred metres the boy was ~ing, selepas berlari 100 meter budak itu termengah-mengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breathyadj (of persons’ voice) spt orang mengah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
huff~ and puff, a. pant, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah; b. show annoyance, membuat bising: the masses could only ~ and puff over the increase in taxes, rakyat jelata hanya boleh membuat bising apabila cukai dinaikkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breathlessadj 1. out of breath, panting, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah: by the time she got to the top she was ~, apabila sampai di puncak, dia sudah tercungap-cungap; 2. without wind, tdk /berangin, berpuput/: the afternoon was hot and ~, tengah hari itu panas dan tdk berangin; 3. hold the breath, menahan nafas, terpegun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaspvi 1. struggle for breath, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah; ~ for breath, tercungap-cungap menarik nafas: he ~ed for breath as he came to the surface, dia tercungap-cungap menarik nafas apabila dia timbul ke permukaan air; 2. draw in breath sharply, seolah-olah tertahan: she ~ed at the man walking on the live coals, nafasnya seolah-olah tertahan melihat lelaki itu berjalan di atas bara api;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaspvt often ~ out, approp v + dgn /tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah/: he ~ed out his last words, dia mengeluarkan kata-katanya yg terakhir dgn tercungap-cungap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow15. pant, tercungap-cungap: climbing up the stairs made me puff and ~, memanjat tangga membuat saya termengah-mengah dan tercungap-cungap; 6. make a whistling sound, berbunyi: the whistle blew when the match ended, wisel berbunyi apabila perlawanan itu berakhir; 7. (of whale) /menyemburkan, memancutkan/ air; 8. (of natural gas or oil) menyembur keluar; 9. (of fuse) terbakar: when the heater was switched on the fuse blew, apabila pemanas itu dipasang fiusnya terbakar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breathas long as I have ~, selagi saya masih /bernafas, hidup/; catch o’s ~, nafas sso tertahan; for a ~ of fresh air, utk menghirup udara /bersih, nyaman/, utk mengambil angin; get o’s ~ (back), /dapat bernafas, berasa lega/ (kembali); have no ~ left, tdk dapat bernafas, tercungap-cungap; hold o’s ~, menahan nafas; in /one, the same/ ~ , dgn satu nafas, sekaligus; lose o’s ~, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; be out of ~, sesak nafas, susah bernafas, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; save o’s ~, jangan buang masa; take ~, bernafas, berehat utk menghilangkan lelah; take a deep ~, menarik nafas panjang; take so’s ~ away, membuat sso terpegun, menakjubkan sso; / under, below, beneath / o’s ~, perlahan-lahan: he said something under his ~ and left us, dia mengatakan sst perlahan-lahan dan meninggalkan kami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fit1adj 1. (suitable, appropriate) sesuai; (competent, worthy) layak: the water is not ~ to drink, air itu tdk sesuai utk diminum; he is ~ for the position, dia sesuai utk jawatan itu; this is not a ~ time to talk about the matter, ini bukan masa yg sesuai utk bercakap ttg perkara itu; do you think he is ~ to teach the Sixth Form?, kamu rasa dia layak utk mengajar Tingkatan Enam?; 2. in good health, sihat; (foll by infin) cukup sihat: he is not ~ at the moment: he can’t walk a hundred yards without getting out of breath, dia tdk sihat pd masa ini: berjalan seratus ela pun dia mengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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