in | b. committed to take part in, akan /menyertai, mengambil bahagian dlm, ikut serta dlm/: Thailand is ~ for the 1,000 metres, negeri Thai akan menyertai perlumbaan 1,000 meter; /be, get/ ~ on, (colloq) bersama-sama dlm: they were ~ on the scheme from the beginning, mereka bersama-sama dlm rancangan itu sejak mula lagi; be (well) ~ with, (colloq) buat baik: he’s ~ with all the big wigs in the company, dia buat baik dgn semua orang besar syarikat itu; have it ~ for so., (colloq) dendam pd sso: he has it ~ for the new clerk, dia dendam pd erani baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ in for, a. (competition etc) enter, mengambil bahagian dlm, menyertai; b. (occupation, career) menceburkan diri dlm: he went in for politics, dia menceburkan diri dlm lapangan politik; c. (hobby) gemar: she ~es in for tapestry, dia gemar menenun dewangga; ~ in favour of so., ~ in so’s favour, memihak kpd: the judge’s decision went in favour of the accused, keputusan hakim itu memihak kpd yg tertuduh; ~ in peace, pergi dgn selamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battle | ~ of wits, pertikaman lidah: the discussion turned into a ~ of wits between two of the participants, perbincangan itu bertukar menjadi pertikaman lidah antara dua drpd peserta yg mengambil bahagian; die in ~, /mati, gugur/ /dlm pertempuran, di medan perang/; /do, join/ ~, bertempur; fight a losing ~, melibatkan diri dlm perjuangan yg sia-sia; be half the ~, [various translations]: having brains is only half the ~, kecerdikan merupakan hanya separuh drpd syarat utk memperoleh kejayaan; it is not easy to see the managing director; but if you know his secretary, that is already half the ~, tidaklah mudah berjumpa dgn pengarah urusan; tetapi jika kenal setiausahanya, itu sudah memadai utk membuka jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drag | ~ so. into, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. make so. do st against his will, memaksa sso (supaya): he tried to ~ me into taking part in the charity show, dia mencuba memaksa saya supaya mengambil bahagian dlm pertunjukan amal itu; ~ st into, see vt (sense 3.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 24. a. (used with “view”, “opinion”, etc) pada: the youth of today, ~ his opinion, are rapidly degenerating, pada pendapatnya, akhlak golongan belia hari ini merosot dgn pesatnya; b. (used with “experience”) daripada: ~ her experience, tourists prefer to eat in restaurants rather than at roadside stalls, daripada pengalamannya, para pelancong lebih suka makan di restoran daripada di warung; 25. take part in, mengambil bahagian dlm, menyertai, ikut serta dlm; (play, film, etc) berlakon dlm: are you ~ the next race?, kamu akan mengambil bahagian dlm perlumbaan selepas ini?; she looks very familiar – wasn’t she ~ Falcon Crest?, rasa-rasanya saya pernah lihat muka dia bukankah dia berlakon dlm Falcon Crest?; 26. (indic intention, purpose) untuk: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
active | adj 1. physically energetic, nimble, cergas: at seventy he is still very ~, walaupun sudah berusia tujuh puluh tahun dia masih cergas; an ~ child, kanak-kanak yg cergas; 2. alert, cerdas: an ~ mind, akal yg cerdas; 3. effective, practical, aktif: to take an ~ part in st, mengambil bahagian yg aktif dlm sst; be an ~ force, berpengaruh: he is still an ~ force in the party, dia masih berpengaruh dlm parti itu; 4. participating, contributing, aktif: an ~ member, ahli yg aktif; be ~ in (politics, an organisation, etc) /aktif, giat/ dlm (politik, pertubuhan, dll); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolt2 | a ~ from the blue, (sst yg) mengejutkan: his resignation came as a ~ from the blue, peletakan jawatannya itu memang mengejutkan; shoot o’s ~, a. make o’s final effort prematurely, kehabisan tenaga: the runner had shot his ~ in the fourth lap, pelari itu telah kehabisan tenaganya dlm pusingan yg keempat; b. make o’s final effort, approp v phr + yg terakhir: he had shot his ~ and took no further part in the argument, dia telah memberi hujahnya yg terakhir dan akan mengambil bahagian selanjutnya dlm perbahasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approaching | adj 1. coming nearer (in space), /menghampiri, mendekati, merapati/ + approp n; (of sound) kedengaran semakin dekat: the captain watched the ~ ship through his binoculars, nakhoda itu memperhatikan kapal yg menghampirinya dgn teropong; the townsfolk were warned of a rapidly ~ tornado, penduduk bandar itu diberikan amaran ttg puting beliung yg menghampiri bandar itu dgn begitu laju; ~ footsteps, bunyi tapak kaki yg kedengaran semakin dekat; 2. coming nearer (in time) hampir tiba: the regiment will take part in the ~ campaign, pasukan itu akan mengambil bahagian dlm kempen yg hampir tiba itu; his ~ death, saat-saat kematiannya yg hampir tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distance | at a ~, dr jauh; (when specified) dr jarak: the noise of the machinery could be heard at a ~ of one kilometre, bunyi bising mesin itu dapat didengar dr jarak satu kilometer; be /a considerable, quite a, some/ ~ (from), (agak) jauh: the post office is quite a ~ from here, pejabat pos itu agak jauh dr sini; for a ~ of, sejauh: the river is navigable for a ~ of 100 miles, sungai itu boleh dilalui sejauh 100 batu; from a ~, dr jauh; (when the distance is specified) dr jarak: he observed her from a ~, dia memerhatinya dr jauh; the house can be seen from a ~ of 50 metres, rumah itu dapat dilihat dr jarak 50 meter; go the ~, approp v + sehingga tamat: he is taking part in the cross-country but I doubt if he will go the ~, dia akan mengambil bahagian dlm acara rentas desa tetapi saya tdk yakin dia boleh meneruskan larian sehingga tamat; in the ~, di kejauhan: they heard the sound of thunder in the ~, mereka terdengar bunyi guruh di kejauhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charge | leave so. in ~, menyerahkan tanggungjawab kpd sso: put so. in ~, mempertanggungjawabkan sso (+ approp v): I’ll put her in ~ of reception, saya akan mempertanggungjawabkan beliau menguruskan sambutan; take ~ of, menjaga, mengambil tanggungjawab (+ approp v): since there’s no one else who is qualified, she’ll take ~ of the department herself, oleh sebab tdk ada sesiapa yg layak, dia sendiri akan mengambil tanggungjawab mengawasi bahagian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |