jobless | adj menganggur, tdk bekerja: he has been ~ for months, sudah berbulan-bulan dia menganggur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idle | adj 1. unoccupied, tdk berbuat apa-apa, duduk-duduk sahaja, bermalas-malas: he hated being ~, dia tdk suka duduk-duduk sahaja; 2. without employment, menganggur: the factory closed and left hundreds of workers ~, kilang itu ditutup dan beratus-ratus pekerja menganggur; 3. not operating or being used productively, terbiar; lie ~, tinggal terbiar: the tractors were lying ~, traktor itu tinggal terbiar; 4. lazy, malas: an ~ worker, pekerja yg malas; 5. futile, sia-sia: an ~ effort, usaha yg sia-sia; 6. trivial, kosong: ~ chit-chat, perbualan kosong; ~ thoughts, angan-angan kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | pejabat: no nine-to-five ~ for me!, saya tdk mahu kerja di pejabat!; on the ~, (colloq) at work, /sewaktu, semasa/ bekerja: he was caught smoking on the ~, dia didapati merokok sewaktu bekerja; be out of a ~, menganggur; be paid by the ~, dibayar upah mengikut hasil kerja; pull a ~, (sl) melakukan jenayah: they put him in jail for pulling a ~ in Jakarta, mereka memenjarakannya krn melakukan jenayah di Jakarta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
focal point | n 1. titik fokus; 2. (fig.) tumpuan utama; (of place, object), (tempat) tumpuan: the ~ of the new project is the provision of jobs for unemployed graduates, tumpuan utama projek ini adalah menyediakan kerja utk siswazah-siswazah menganggur; the TV set is the ~ of the sitting room, peti telivisyen itu menjadi tumpuan bilik tamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estimate | n 1. calculation of the approximate amount, size, etc, anggaran: I can only give you a rough ~ of the cost, saya hanya dapat memberi kamu anggaran kasar kos itu; an ~ of the expenditure, anggaran perbelanjaan; at a rough ~, secara kasar: at a rough ~ there will be two million unemployed graduates by the end of this year, secara kasar, siswazah menganggur akan berjumlah 2 juta orang pd hujung tahun ini; 2. statement of the probable cost, anggaran: three contractors gave us three different ~s, tiga kontraktor memberi kami tiga anggaran yg berbeza; 3. judgement (about so. or st) penilaian: his ~ of our capabilities was very favourable, penilaiannya ttg kebolehan kamu sangat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |