assort | vt 1. classify, mengasing-asingkan: to ~ the oranges for packing, mengasing-asingkan buah oren utk dikotakkan; 2. group (with others) menggolongkan: he ~ed the fiction with the short stories and novelettes, dia menggolongkan cereka itu dgn cerpen dan novelet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assortment | n 1. collection of variety of things, beraneka jenis, /berbagai-bagai, pelbagai, bermacam-macam/ (jenis): an ~ of nuts, beraneka jenis kacang; an ~ of tools, beraneka jenis alat; 2. act of assorting, (kerja) mengasing-asingkan: the ~ of the specimens took many hours, kerja mengasing-asingkan spesimen itu mengambil masa yg lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |